Las Vegas tech show maintained despite Omicron

The Las Vegas tech show is maintained but will last one day less due to the health crisis and the increase in Covid-19 contamination

Organizers of the big tech show to be held next week in Las Vegas announced Friday that they are maintaining the event well, but with one day less due to the current surge in Covid-19 cases.

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is due to make its face-to-face return after a virtual 2021 edition, will open its doors to the general public on Wednesday January 5 in the morning and will close them on Friday January 7 in the evening, instead of January 8 in the evening.

“This decision was taken as an additional safety measure to the health protocols already in place for the CES”, such as vaccination or the wearing of the compulsory mask, indicates the association organizing the event, CTA, in a press release.

Absentees and new companies at the rendezvous

Several large and small companies, from Amazon to General Motors, via Microsoft, Intel and many start-ups, have in recent days canceled or sharply reduced their presence on site as Covid-19 infections linked to the Omicron variant surge around the world. But 143 companies have also signed in the last two weeks to participate in CES and more than 2,200 exhibitors will be present at the event, ensures the organization. The stands are being installed.

“As the most influential event in the world in the tech sector, CES is firmly committed to being the place to gather to present products and discuss ideas intended to improve our lives,” said the boss of the organization, Gary Shapiro. In 2020, for the last edition before the global spread of the pandemic, the CES hosted around 170,000 people and more than 4,500 exhibitors.

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