last green light from deputies before final adoption in the Senate

The National Assembly gave its final green light on Tuesday to the so-called 3DS decentralization bill, which intends to oil the wheels of the institutional landscape, before its final adoption scheduled by the Senate on Wednesday.

40 years after the major decentralization laws, I believe that we are entering a new era in relations between the State and the communities: the era of maturity, trust, contracts and projects, greeted Minister Modem of Territorial Cohesion, Jacqueline Gourault.

The text was adopted by 154 votes for, 18 against and 12 abstentions. LFI and the Communists had announced their intention to vote against a text which aggravates the rupture of the Republican pact according to Stephane Peu.

Supposed to provide a legislative response to the aspirations arising from the Great Debate post-yellow vests and consultations with elected officials wanted by Emmanuel Macron, the bill generates measures to decentralize, deconcentrate, differentiate and simplify local public action.

Far from a new big bang of decentralization, the text aims to oil the wheels. To improve the institutional landscape rather than upset it, highlighted the minister.

Too little for the right-wing opposition and the major associations of local elected officials. It’s a failed promise, mocked LR Raphal Schellenberger, crediting the right-wing majority Senate with what he considers to be the rare advances in the text.

The Alsatian deputy was particularly pleased that the majority bowed to the senatorial demands during the Joint Joint Committee (CMP) responsible for finding a compromise between the versions of the text adopted by the Palais Bourbon and the Palais du Luxembourg.

The exit surprised and annoyed on the benches of the majority, recalling in passing that the adoption of the text was done in the shadow of the presidential campaign.

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One of the LREM co-rapporteurs on the bill, Bruno Questel, had preferred a little earlier to boast of balanced and useful work resulting from collective work between the Assembly and the Senate.

Social housing, competences between municipalities and inter-municipalities, water and sanitation, environment, wind turbines, RSA, roads, institutional site of the Marseille metropolis: the subjects addressed by the bill are numerous.

At the end of the work of the two chambers, the bill which originally contained some 80 articles, was inflated by approximately 200 additional articles.

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