Laura Müller: She is on a diet before the TV wedding

"I was almost on my diet," says newlywed Laura Müller on Instagram. She is betting on this change in diet.

Laura Müller (19), now officially Laura Norberg, is on a diet. On Instagram, the wife of pop singer Michael Wendler (47, "It doesn't matter") keeps her fans up to date about her weight loss process. On day four of her diet, as she tells in her stories, she felt like laughing, "but it's actually quite difficult". So far, she has lost one and a half kilos. She wanted to continue dieting for three more days. One week was enough for her. Because the 19-year-old makes it clear that she does not want to "lose the mass of kilos". Instead, she "wants" to "restructure" her body with this radical change.

So Laura Müller takes off

Laura Müller uses the ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet. This is a change in diet to low-carbohydrate, but high-protein and high-fat food. This is supposed to stimulate the metabolism in the body and let the pounds drop. That means: carbohydrates are taboo. No bread, no potatoes, no pasta, no rice, no sugar land on the plate. Eggs, fatty fish, meat, sausages and low-carb vegetables are allowed. Low carbohydrate vegetables include avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach or zucchini. Because fruit has a high fructose content, it should only be eaten in small quantities.

Laura Müller has "almost done" her diet. She was "happy that I pull it through. So far it was difficult, but I did it". The former "Let's Dance" participant also explains that you should accept yourself as you are. But if you are dissatisfied with yourself, "you can change something". It's about feeling good about yourself. "Everyone is different, everyone has different problem areas!" In summer 2020, the 19-year-old is due for the TV wedding with Michael Wendler. They are already married officially.
