Lauterbach: “Good news”: Additional health insurance contributions could rise slightly in 2024

Lauterbach: “Good news”
Additional health insurance contributions could increase slightly in 2024

The increase in the additional contribution to statutory health insurance could be lower than previously feared. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is pleased. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, on the other hand, still sees enough reasons to warn.

The additional contribution for statutory health insurance (GKV) could rise again in 2024. The published results of the GKV estimators’ group on the financial development of the health insurance funds show an increase in the average contribution by 0.1 points to 1.7 percent. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said this was good news. “Health insurance contributions will hardly increase.”

Although the financing gap could be kept small, this was “no reason to forego reforms,” explained the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds. “Increasing additional contributions must not be taken for granted.” Since the additional contribution actually levied is currently on average 1.51 percent, “this results in relevant pressure to increase in the coming year,” explained the CEO of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, Doris Pfeiffer.

In addition to the legally stipulated general contribution rate of currently 14.6 percent, statutory health insurance companies can charge an additional contribution. The amount is determined by each fund itself. The average additional contribution rate is determined as a calculation variable by the Federal Ministry of Health by regulation.

Cash registers assumed a higher deficit

The GKV estimators also assume a financing gap of 3.2 billion euros for 2024, which will generally have to be closed through higher additional contributions from the health insurance companies. In the summer, the coffers had assumed a deficit of 3.5 billion to 7 billion euros for 2024. Mathematically, this could have resulted in an increase in the average additional contribution of 0.2 to 0.4 percentage points.

The Bundestag had decided on an extra financial injection for 2023 because of an otherwise expected deficit of 17 billion euros. The money came, among other things, from cash reserves and an increase in the additional contribution from 0.15 points to 1.51 percent.

The federal government increased its regular subsidy of 14.5 billion euros by two billion euros, and the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacies are given higher discounts. Lauterbach emphasized that the stabilization law had had an effect. The contributions are stable. “The reforms that are now coming will improve quality,” said the SPD politician.

“Increase in spending must be a warning signal”

“The spiral of premium increases that has been going on for years must be broken,” demanded Pfeiffer. The legislature must therefore urgently set the course for sustainable financing. The federal government must “finally live up to its responsibility for tasks for society as a whole that were previously borne by the health insurance companies.” Examples include cost-covering contributions for citizens’ benefit recipients and the dynamization of federal participation in family policy benefits.

On the other hand, there is an urgent need for measures to improve efficiency on the expenditure side, warned Pfeiffer. There is a need for action, particularly in the case of uneconomic structures. “The continued high increase in spending on hospitals, doctors’ fees and pharmaceuticals, to name just the largest areas, must be a warning sign for everyone,” she added.

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