Lauterbach is supposed to help out: hospitals are missing 500 million euros a month

Lauterbach should help out
Hospitals are missing 500 million euros a month

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Inflation is also putting a huge strain on German hospitals. In 2023, 40 locations will file for bankruptcy and the trend will continue. The head of the hospital company, Gaß, is calling for a financial injection from the federal government. Health Minister Lauterbach rails against the clinics’ smear campaign.

The clinics are urging Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach for rapid additional financial injections in order to avert further bankruptcies and cuts in care. The boss of the German Hospital AssociationGerald Gaß, said in Berlin: “The clinics are currently missing 500 million euros every month.”

Last year there were bankruptcies at 40 locations. With six bankruptcies in January, it appears that the negative record of the previous year will be broken in 2024. Almost all hospital operators are currently forced to implement tough cost-cutting measures.

Gaß emphasized that the clinics have been in economic difficulties for two years like never before, but that politicians have fallen on deaf ears. “With severe inflation as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, they have to spend more money than they make.”

Federal Council votes on hospital remuneration

Specifically, with a view to a legislative vote in the Federal Council on March 22nd, the industry is calling for, among other things, an increase in the calculation basis for clinic remuneration. According to a survey, the clinics’ cost-cutting measures include staff reductions, hiring freezes and the closure of wards and locations.

The head of the association explained that a campaign with posters in clinics was planned to address the financing problems. Lauterbach had a “personal dubious smear campaign” criticized, with which the argument is “no more differentiated than the AfD”.

Gaß said that Lauterbach had made internal drafts public in his post. There are several versions of this. It has not yet been decided which ones may be used after March 22nd. Gaß rejected Lauterbach’s criticism that “we are being put in a corner with the AfD argument.” This is the minister’s attempt to discredit a well-founded critic of his policies and place him outside the political discussion.

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