League of Legends’ new champion Zeri leaked

With all eyes on the kick-off of the new season of League of Legends, Riot Games accidentally revealed the identity of the next champion, Zeri.

Arcane is still on everyone’s minds, and while Season 2 isn’t just around the corner, it’s not yet time to turn the page. Indeed, while it was not intentional, Riot Games has lifted the veil on the next League of Legends champion, a champion from Zaun.

This new AD Carry, Zeri, will therefore surely be linked to the champions of this region, especially those who were entitled to their heyday in Arcane. Many theories are even circulating on his appearance in season 2 of the series …

Here’s everything we know so far about Zeri, the Spark of Zaun.

Who is Zeri?

According to information leaked on the League of Legends website, which was withdrawn in the process, Zeri has “A unique relationship with electricity”.

Born into a working-class family in the slums, she participated alone in the resistance against the chemical barons of Zaun who were destroying her homeland. His electric power was not enough, however, although his efforts inspired those suffering from the barons of chemistry to rebuild their lives.

Riot Games

Zeri is from Zaun

Subsequently, she learned to harness and channel her energy into an emotion-fueled gun, and a jacket to control her powers.

According to the roadmap published in September 2021, it will be “Determined to make sparks”.

Zeri’s abilities

No official ability of Zeri has been revealed at this time. Nevertheless the developers gave a preview, stating that it “Plays with a machine gun cadence and gives the squad a shooter feel. Zaun’s Spark should also introduce some new features to MOBA with “more unique basic attack concepts ”.

“For this new champion, we wanted to re-explore the role of basic offense in a champion marksman’s arsenal, to see if we could completely revolutionize its usefulness”, they added.

Riot Games

The roadmap had already revealed multiple clues about Zeri

Zeri release date

While this new champion was originally planned for the end of 2021, in order to be linked to Arcane, “Development changes” have come to change the situation.

Due to these production changes, this new ADC should instead land in the coming weeks, potentially during the deployment of patch 12.2.

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