Legislative legislation, reforms, dissolution of the Assembly… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s press conference

After the victory of the National Rally in the European elections, which showed a score more than 15% higher than the Macronie list, Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. For three days, numerous political maneuvers have been at work. The left is gradually moving towards an alliance of the four main parties (PS, EELV, the PCF and LFI), on the right, the situation is explosive. Éric Ciotti, boss of the Republicans, announced that he wanted an agreement with the National Rally, provoking an outcry from party executives.

Now, it is the turn of the macronie to unveil its roadmap for the next legislative elections.

Information to remember:

  • The Head of State considered it necessary that the dissolution of the Assembly had become inevitable
  • Emmanuel Macron assures “that he does not want to give the keys to power to the extreme right in 2027”
  • He also accused La France insoumise of having “created sometimes constant” and “worrying” disorder in the National Assembly.
  • Macron hopes “before or after” the legislative elections a gathering of those who “know how to say no to the extremes”
  • “Popular Front”: an “indecent alliance”, “Léon Blum must be turning in his grave”, believes Macron
  • The Head of State detailed his program for the next legislative elections
  • Emmanuel Macron announces “suspend” the contested electoral reform in New Caledonia
  • At the same time, he “takes responsibility” for the reform of unemployment insurance, which he considers “important”

The relative majority, a situation that has become “difficult to maintain”

The situation was becoming “difficult to maintain” with a relative majority, Emmanuel Macron explained during his press conference. “I took into account a blockage which was inevitably becoming dangerous for France,” he judged, while the oppositions have multiplied motions of censure in recent months. Dissolution “only allows things to be clarified,” he added.

In front of journalists, he also accused La France insoumise of having “created sometimes constant” and “worrying” disorder in the National Assembly.

“The right turns its back in a few hours on the legacy of General de Gaulle”

After Éric Ciotti’s agreement with the National Rally, Emmanuel Macron was particularly critical against the choice of president of the Republicans, estimating that “Ciotti’s right and those who followed him, “turn their backs in a few hours to the legacy of General de Gaulle”, denouncing at the same time alliances “on the right and on the left, unnatural”.

“The masks are falling and the battle of values ​​is coming to light,” said the President of the Republic.

“I don’t want to give the keys to power to the far right in 2027”

In front of journalists, Emmanuel Macron justified having dissolved the National Assembly. The President of the Republic thus considered that it was “impossible to ignore” the results of the European elections and intends to convince voters to divert them from the National Rally vote. “I do not want to give the keys to power to the far right in 2027,” he assured, believing that he had “drawn the political consequences of last Sunday,” the day of the European elections.

“I fully accept having triggered a movement of clarification” by dissolving the Assembly, declared the President of the Republic. “When 50% of French people vote at the extremes, when you have a relative majority in the Assembly, you cannot tell them ‘we continue as if nothing had happened’. That is not respecting them, it is not is not hearing them,” added the head of state. “I want there to be a government that can act to respond to their anger, to their emergencies,” he further argued. “If people are afraid” that a far-right Prime Minister will be appointed to Matignon, “well the shock is for now”.

Macron hopes “before or after” the legislative elections a gathering of those who “know how to say no to the extremes”

Emmanuel Macron wants, “before or after” the early legislative elections, a gathering of those who will have “been able to say no to the extremes”, to “build a sincere and useful common project for the country” to “govern”.

“I want above all” the “maximum number of elected officials” from the presidential majority, explained the head of state at a press conference. “But I hope that when the time comes, before or after, women and men of good will will come together who will have together been able to say no to extremes, and who will be able to build a sincere and useful common project for the country” , he also declared, referring to a “new project”, a “federation of projects to govern”, and charging the parties of his majority to begin discussions with other political groups.

Macron promises “republican authority at all levels” while respecting the “values” of the Republic

Emmanuel Macron promised this Wednesday “republican authority at all levels” and a “strengthening of a sovereign axis”, in respect of republican “values”. “Republican authority, therefore, at all levels, with very clear elements (…) which is the strengthening of a sovereign axis”, he affirmed in introductory remarks at this press conference organized after the dissolution of the National Assembly. He proposed “more firmness, but within the framework of the Republic and its values”.

“This is also what pits us against (…) the two extremes,” he judged. “What is proposed today by the extreme left is a response through communitarianism and laxity”, and “what is proposed by the extreme right and those who are allied with it is a response to insecurity by leaving the Republic, its values, its very foundation.

Emmanuel Macron unveils the majority’s program

During his press conference, the Head of State unveiled the program on which the majority must be able to mobilize voters and convince over the next three weeks. Emmanuel Macron thus promised to put a “republican authority at all levels” back at the center of the game, while respecting the “values” of the Republic. The President of the Republic also explained that he wanted to “remove a territorial level” and give the choice for citizens to return to the “large regions”.

He also confirmed that pensions “will be well indexed to inflation”, while he spoke in favor of banning children’s telephones “before the age of 11” and networks for adolescents “before the age of 15 “.

Criticized over the reform of unemployment insurance, the president described it as “indispensable” and said “assuming it”. However, he remains “open” and wishes to “build the modalities” after the legislative elections. “I accept it. I think it is good and I think we must continue on this path and this course,” declared the President of the Republic, while remaining vague on its implementation, a decree currently in effect. preparation or text before Parliament.

“Popular Front”: an “indecent alliance”, “Léon Blum must be turning in his grave”, believes Macron

Emmanuel Macron also estimated that the “Popular Front” alliance currently being formed between the PS, the PCF, EELV and LFI “is not even baroque” but “indecent”, saying he had “a thought over the last 24 hours to Léon Blum”, during a press conference.

“If there is one who must turn in his grave today, it is Léon Blum, thinking that we called ‘Popular Front’ an electoral alliance which will make it possible to give 300 constituencies to LFI, and therefore to people who have made it very clear not to condemn anti-Semitism: that’s not what the Popular Front is, it has meaning in our history, it has a role, it has dignity,” added the leader of State.

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