Lelandais trial: the hearing finally opened after suspicions of Covid in the accused

Europe 1 with AFP

Former soldier Nordahl Lelandais, currently on trial for the murder of little Maëlys, underwent a Covid-19 test early this Wednesday after feeling “a few symptoms”, said the Grenoble courthouse. The hearing was able to resume on Wednesday in the presence of the accused, who is to be heard on the facts this afternoon.

The trial of former soldier Nordahl Lelandais for the murder of little Maëlys resumed this Wednesday morning in the presence of the accused, who had previously felt “some symptoms” of Covid-19. “The hearing is resumed,” said the president, wishing good morning to the accused in his box, without mentioning the test undergone by Nordahl Lelandais or its result. She then called the first witness of the day on the stand. The hearing started about half an hour late.

Heard this Wednesday afternoon on the facts

The former soldier had previously felt “a few symptoms” and had been tested for Covid-19, said Cyril Moenne, chief of staff to the attorney general. The 38-year-old suspect has been on trial since Monday for the murder of little Maëlys De Araujo, eight years old, on the sidelines of a wedding party in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère) on the night of August 26 to 27, 2017. He should have the opportunity to explain himself on Wednesday afternoon, when he is heard on the facts.

At the opening of the debates on Monday morning, Nordahl Lelandais had held to “present (his) apologies” to the girl’s family and promised to “explain the facts during the hearing”. Statements already met with skepticism by the opposing party. The accused will also be tried for sexual assaults against two little cousins ​​aged five and six at the time, as well as for possession and recording of child pornography images.

Already sentenced in Chambéry in May 2021 to 20 years in prison for the murder of young soldier Arthur Noyer, Nordahl Lelandais had not appealed. He faces life imprisonment. The verdict is expected around February 18.

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