"Les 12 coups de midi": Jean-Luc Reichmann calls Paul live and makes Eric jealous: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Tuesday June 2, 2020, in The 12 noon shots, Jean-Luc Reichmann took a short break from the program to make a call to a former candidate. The host wanted to call Paul, former iconic player of the program suffering from syndromeSprinkle, become the third greatest champion in the history of 12 Noon Strokes, after being passed by the current noon master, Éric. The reason for this call? The birthday of the young man who celebrated his 21st birthday. Last year, it was on the set of 12 noon shots that the Grenoblois had celebrated its 20th anniversary. An event worthily celebrated by the production which had also planned a cake for the occasion. When he reviewed these images, Paul said: "I didn’t expect my birthday. Certainly it's a 20 years anniversary, but I really didn’t expect to have a cake in front of me, I was a little embarrassed… "

Paul, the darling of the public

Delighted to be able to discuss with his former candidate, Jean-Luc Reichmann took the opportunity to greet all his family before letting Eric, the Breton champion send him a message. "Paul, it's nice to see you. Your passage during the interruption of the programs was very appreciated by the televiewers. I think you really remain their darling, whatever happens… " he said with great kindness and a touch of jealousy. A confession that pleased the young man who did not fail to thank him and the public who always supported him during his participation in the TF1 show.

Read also : Eric, "12 strokes at noon": this special exemption from which he takes part in the game of Jean-Luc Reichmann