LFL 2022: Admiral leaves PCS Taran… and Div 2!

Decidedly, this start of the 2022 Season of Div 2 is marked by unexpected events. After the departure of Norwegian and the rapid restructuring of BeGenius, it’s PCS Taran’s turn to modify its roster – and obviously without the thing coming directly from the coaching staff. In fact, Allan “Admiral” El Bahhar, the team’s current jungler who notably cut his teeth at Warthox, has decided to leave the LFL’s Div 2, after only two games played.

The French player, whom we discovered on the stage of the Open Tour 2020, is however far from being unworthy during this first week of Div 2. On his Viego, he was one of the undisputed players in the victory against MCES and, although the meeting ended in defeat, he did not no longer undeserved against Lille Esport.

But where ?

Contrary to what one might have thought in the first place, if he leaves the league it is not because he was benched, or for other sad reasons: no, Admiral would have received a golden offer — one imagines, an invitation to play in a higher level of competition.

The conjectures are going well to try to determine where Admiral is going and, pending an official announcement, we will unfortunately stop there. We imagine, however, that the proposal received by the French jungler comes from a structure evolving at least within an ERL 1 — maybe even in LFL. However, it is difficult to identify which team could have recruited him …

Case to follow.

Div 2: BeGenius bench Norwegian after only 2 days of competition

It is a difficult decision that can cause misunderstanding. The day after the first week of this Spring Split 2022, BeGenius, one of the new teams enrolled in LFL Division 2, decided to bench its jungler, provoking the ire of the community…

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