"LGBT-free zones" to defend the "traditional family", but where are we going?

Deputy Minister of State Property Janusz Kowalski would like to expand so-called "anti-LGBT" zones in his country.

Despite the European Union's sanctions on municipalities which claim to be "LGBT-free", the Polish government remains on its positions. Helena Dalli, European Commissioner in charge of the Equality portfolio, had however tweeted that six requests for twinning of Polish towns "which adopted resolutions on LGBTI free zones or family rights have been rejected." The EU had thus introduced the notion of respect for fundamental values ​​and the rule of law by a country in order to benefit from European funds.

The Secretary of State for European Affairs in France, Clément Beaune, had said about this subject that "we must denounce it, sanction it, financially if necessary."

Deputy Minister of State Property Janusz Kowalski explained that "all of Poland which should be an LGBT-free zone. (…) We should pass a law that prohibits the funding by public funds, or at the state or local government level, of any activity of organizations that explicitly promote LGBT people. ", can we read in Têtu.

In the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, he went so far as to say that "our constitution explicitly states that the family is a union of a woman and a man. All the left ideologies which strike the traditional family and promote relations of a man with a man are incompatible with the constitution and the Polish cultural heritage. It touches our civilization and the DNA of the Polish family, and that is why we reject this extreme ideology. "

The politician also recalled his pride in the nationalist, conservative and LGBTphobic agenda of President Andrzej Duda.

According to the "https://www.aufeminin.com/" atlas of hate ", a collaborative map posted online by activists, about a third of Polish territory says"free from any LGBTI ideology. "

The Rutly news agency, part of the media Russia Today (RT), filmed a few days ago Polish nationalists burning a rainbow flag and hurling homophobic slurs with applause from the crowd during the commemoration. of the uprising in the Polish capital against Nazi Germany.

The daily Gazeta Wyborcza, meanwhile, evokes an exodus of homosexual Poles. "We don't talk much about it, there is no study on the subject, but this wave has already started ", says Bart Staszewski, an activist. "All LGBT activists know at least one person or couple who left Poland after the elections of 2015 and the return to power of PiS (the national-conservative party from which Andrzej Duda came). Now there will be even more departures. What Andrzej Duda said was the straw that broke the camel's back, "he adds.

To go further on the subject: a worrying homophobic and transphobic radicalization takes hold of Poland

Homophobic violence

Video by Melanie Bonvard