Librists, digital freedoms and laws: December 31, time of donations and reviews

Only a few hours until the New Year 2022. Image: Pixabay / CC0

Who to give to? An extensive list on Linuxfr

In about thirty hours, 2021 will give way to 2022, and like every year, these are the last hours for those who want to give to causes they deem useful while obtaining a tax deduction for the year that s. ‘ends (but we can never say enough that donations can be made all year round … including without deduction).

For the 10th time, Benoît Sibaud has produced and published in Linuxfr his very useful annual summary of associations to give.

Its introduction is very clear :-):

“This year again, I am speaking to you libriste, who procrastinated until the last hours to make donations, tax deductible or not. Throughout the year (and the one before) we promise to support this or that action on such and such a subject that seemed extremely important to us. Let us quote for example some associations of promotion and defense of Free, of rights in the digital space or of freedom of expression, whose donations are deductible in France: Amnesty France, Debian France, Framasoft, International Federation for Human Rights ( FIDH), Libre à Toi / Radio Cause Commune, Human Rights League (LDH), Open Food Facts, OpenStreetMap France, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Wikimedia France, etc. ”

In addition to all the links necessary for these associations, the author presents an argument on the subject, and adds:

“As you bring the principles of Free to life, as you contribute to free projects and defend ideas, you also support associations that do not benefit from the deductibility of donations in France (for example, associations deemed too disturbing or too critical by the government … or European associations or not, or even associations that have never taken the step, such as LinuxFr). Examples include AFUL, April, European Digital Rights (EDRi), En Vente Libre, Exodus Privacy, FACIL, FFII, FSF (with a long list of methods to donate), FSF Europe (deductibility in several countries), Garradin, GNOME and GIMP, Haiku, Internet Archive (deductible in the United States), KDE eV (deductible in Germany), Léa-Linux, LILA, LQDN, Mageia, Nos Oignons, OKFN, PHP Foundation,, Tails (deductible in Germany) , Free Canvas, Ubuntu-Fr, XSF, etc. (note that they can sometimes have the deductibility of donations in other countries, see decision C-318/07 mentioned below). ”

A remarkably necessary annual dispatch!

Wikimedia France’s pleas in 2021 …

The end of the year is also the time for reviews and retrospectives. At Wikimedia France, the association that promotes and supports Wikipedia and associated projects returns to “one year of national and European advocacy”, which makes it possible to see or review some of the many occurrences of the law in the field. digital life:

– Bill “Republican Principles”, where “the legislator confines himself, once again, to reasoning only in terms of unique visitors per month, without adding any qualitative criteria to its reflection, such as the virality of the platform for example or its economic model. Wikimedia France was not fiercely against this law, but the failure to take into account the diversity of platforms on the Internet and in particular community platforms is a big mistake on the part of the government and parliamentarians. An error which, in the future, could stifle Wikipedia or Reddit, and which could therefore bypass all alternative models – viable – and that for the benefit of Big Techs. “

The law having been voted in August, the continuation will take place in a few days, on January 12, 2022, where the European Commission must rule on an article in question.

– Bill relating to the prevention of acts of terrorism and intelligence or “Intelligence Act”, for the question of the conservation of encrypted data.

– the subject of online disinformation – relations with the Superior council of audio-visual (the CSA

– The European regulation against the dissemination of terrorism online, or “TERREG”. “The flagship measure obliges Internet platforms to remove any terrorist content notified by the authorities within the hour. (…) We questioned the way in which the regulation was drafted, in particular concerning the risks of censorship, the absence of judicial control and the neglect of fundamental rights online. ”

– The Digital Services Act or DSA, still under discussion: “Like the“ Republican Principles ”law, the text is tailor-made for Big Techs, and we should not only eventually, by dint of drafting texts for a only type of platforms projects such as Wikipedia suffocate and are bypassed. “

– The European regulation relating to European production and preservation orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters, or “e-evidence”.

… and the coalitions it has joined

Wikimedia France indicates, with the causes it defended this year, to have joined in 2021 the following coalitions:

– “KeepItOn Coalition which fights against Internet cuts in the world.

– TrackingAds Coalition that works against targeted online advertising.

– European Digital Rights (EDRi) which is a collective network of NGOs, experts, defenders and academics working to defend and advance digital rights across the European continent.

– The Social Good Accelerator (SOGA EU) which is a think & do tank with the objective of defending the interests of actors in the social and solidarity economy at European level.

– FING which is a Think & Do tank carrying the voice of an “open, human and responsible digital”. ”

Read also

Framasoft, “Digital Amap”, turns twenty – November 8, 2021

At the Roots of Wikipedia, the Culture of Free Software – March 31, 2021

Free software, knowledge sharing, freedoms: don’t forget donations to associations – December 30, 2015

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