Libya: the escape of two tons of uranium

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The barrels stored in an area surrounded by soldiers, whose disappearance worried the IAEA, have been found, but the concern persists in a country where everything can be bought.

By Benoit Delmas

The stock of uranium whose drums had temporarily disappeared dated back to 2013, two years after the fall of Colonel Gaddafi.
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MWednesday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (AEIA) issued an alert to its Member States: “Ten containers of natural uranium in the form of uranium concentrate were not present where the Libyan authorities had declared. The ten containers represent “two and a half tons” of the precious metal that must be extracted and transformed before it can be used as fuel in nuclear power plants. The stray uranium was at the “yellow cake” stage. The ore had been reduced to small pieces, finely ground, subjected to chemical operations allowing the extraction of a highly concentrated uranium, in the form of a yellow powder, the so-called “yellow cake” from this scientific cooking recipe. The stock dated back to 2013, two years after the…

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