Light artist Hofstetter transforms the north face of the Eiger into a tiger

February 1st marks the beginning of the year of the tiger in China. For this occasion, the Swiss light artist is staging his “Tiger on Eiger” project. He projects a huge tiger practically all over the north face.

The tiger on the north face of the Eiger: Gerry Hofstetter’s projection for the year of the tiger.

Frank Schwarzbach / Hofstetter Marketing

tsf. The Swiss light artist Gerry Hofstetter and his team project a tiger onto the north face of the Eiger. As he shared with Grindelwald Tourism, he wants to congratulate Asia on the New Year with what is currently the world’s largest work of art. China celebrates the beginning of the Year of the Tiger on February 1, 2022. At the same time, Hofstetter sees his projection as a motivation for the athletes who will soon be taking part in the Olympic Games in Beijing.

With a length of 5.3 kilometers and a height of more than 2 kilometers, the projection corresponds to an area of ​​more than 1060 football pitches. As Hofstetter announced, he got the idea when he saw the shape of a lying tiger on the north face at the foot of the Eiger.

According to Hofstetter and his team, it took more than a year to realize the projection at the right time. The weather, wind, clouds, size of the moon, position of the moon, snow, cold and the constellation of the stars had to fit perfectly in a 15-minute moment.

The film producer and light artist Hofstetter regularly stages projections in nature. Well-known projects of his include the illumination of icebergs in the Arctic, Antarctica and the Matterhorn in Zermatt in March 2020 during the global lockdown.

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