Live in the Stadthalle – Placebo: next time a little more fun please

Placebo commit the already often made cardinal error of their own exaggeration. “Pure Morning” or “Every You, Every Me” are just as absent from the set list as “Nancy Boy”, the song title of which is curiously sold on yellow T-shirts in the auditorium for good money. That’s probably called irony on a special meta level. Molko has never done the Wurlitzer, but – despite the strong new album – one must not uncritically approve of the many treasures of their own discography in view of the stately admission prices. The irritating thirst for control to keep the band away from all digital and virtual self-evidence in 2022 may be respectable, but it also comes across as a bit clumsy and arrogant. In any case, anyone who propagates the great togetherness and “communal experience” does not have to point out to the security guards that they should threaten with the blinding flashlight with every small souvenir photo.

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