“Live or survive?” : Aude (Love is in the meadow) to the worst, her cry of alarm …

Anger roars. On Instagram, Aude, farmer revealed in the thirteenth season of Love is in the meadow in 2018, shared his discomfort with more than 25,000 loyal subscribers. This dairy cow breeder from Brittany is on the verge of breaking down in the face of an untenable situation. In story and post, she explains herself and pushes A rant.

This is the interview with Laetitia, a farmer who made the decision to sell her farm in order to be able “start living“, which pisses off the pretty Aude. The one who leaves the world of agriculture points to too high workloads and therefore a lack of income. A testimony that speaks to the former participant in the program of dating from M6. “When you see an article like that on a goat breeder whose cheese is awarded … who stops and changes profession, you know that the breeders are the slaves of our world”, she regrets .

And Aude does not stop there. The mother of little Louanne (7 years old) and Raphaël (2 years old), born of her loves with her suitor Christopher on the show, shares Laetitia’s opinion. “This is what many, including me, feel! Continue or stop, live or survive? All this because Leclerc (admittedly very good at com ‘!) And company refuse to lower their margins … Make no mistake, the price to the consumer will explode, and we breeders, with, she regrets. Only supermarkets will explode their profits. Whether it is dairy products, vegetables (canned or frozen), meat … The shortage has begun, even if it is not yet visible on the stalls, and it will affect the whole world.

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