Living sugar free: how does it work?


We eat all the sugar. Sure, because sugar is contained in almost every food. You want to live sugar free? We’ll show you what you can do.

Sugar free life: introduction

The sugar consumption in Germany is clearly too high. On average, we eat about 100 grams of sugar every day , which puts us at the top in Europe. However, besides fast energy and a short moment of enjoyment, a diet high in sugar only brings us disadvantages .

Although our brain needs almost 150 grams of glucose each day , healthy foods such as grains or vegetables can be transformed into glucose by their starches.


Sugar-free living: What means sugar-free?

Sugar occurs both in processed foods (industrial sugars) and in natural foods such as fruits (fructose) or milk (lactose).

Even a cucumber consists of 1.7 percent sugar. So we can clean up with the myth of a completely sugar-free diet. If you manage to reduce your sugar intake to less than 25 grams a day , you can be satisfied. Especially if the sugar comes from unprocessed food.


Among other things, the following terms on food packaging are descriptions for sugar:

  • glucose
  • lactose
  • dextrose
  • maltodextrin
  • barley malt
  • honey
  • agave nectar
  • rice syrup


Living sugar-free: What harmful consequences does sugar have?

  • Sugar makes you dependent and never permanently tired (at most thick)
  • Sugar is responsible for many diseases, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Hormones get out of balance


Sugar free life: 4 practical advantages

  1. Losing Weight: Losing weight without sugar will definitely make you better. Sugar, unlike fats or proteins, is channeled directly into the blood. Not for nothing are we talking about “empty calories.” The blood sugar level rises rapidly and the insulin transports sugar into the cells for fat storage.
  2. Sleep: Sweets and sugar consumption make you tired and sluggish. However, your sleep will be disturbed rather. For power and a clear head you better abstain from a too sweet diet.
  3. Taste: Sure, you take sugar to get more flavor in your diet. But in the end, you only distort the true taste of the food. You no longer taste the natural sweetness of fruits or vegetables.
  4. Skin : Sugar provides impure skin including pimples and acne. Take recipes without sugar and your skin will thank you.


Sugar free life: in 4 steps

  1. Check Your Sugar Consumption: Awareness of what constitutes your diet is always the first step in the transition. How much sugar do you take with you and which food do you use?
  2. Check Food: You now know that there is sugar in almost every food. Even in those where you least suspect it. You can make a nutrition plan so that you do not have to think about what you eat for breakfast every day.
  3. Inform the environment: A proverb says: You are what you eat. Above all, you eat what your environment eats. There are many delicious recipes that do without sugar at the same time. If you bring your friends and family on board, it will be much easier to keep up.
  4. Precooking: Following your dietary change, you’ll make it easier if you cook prescriptions in larger quantities and then split them up for a day or two. So you’re not tempted to quickly resort to really unhealthy answers to cravings .

You are looking for a sugar substitute ? We have rated alternatives for you. Or you ask yourself: Can I lose weight despite alcohol ? Here you will find out.