LoL: Controversy between Fnatic and Wooloo due to incorrect information regarding the transfer window!

If the rumors are confirmed, Crusher (current head coach of the academy team) will be Fnatic’s new coach for next year in the LEC. However, some leaks on this subject contained erroneous information that had to be corrected. In this case, it happened with the account LEC Wooloo and Fnatic . The fan-favorite League of Legends competition leaker released a statement, saying that Crusher had a clause in his contract that guaranteed him promotion in 2023, or he would receive financial compensation if he stayed with the league. academic team.

Wrong information

Javier Zafra , director of the two League of Legends Fnatic sections, took issue with this information, completely denying it and stating that Wooloo should not communicate things like this, because it gave a false image of the structure. The latter corrected his tweet, stating that he had very misinterpreted the information.

For many observers of the scene, this information seemed very implausible. Even if there is an improvement at this level compared to the beginning of the competition on LoL, the contracts of esports players/coaches remain quite precarious especially in Europe. To think that a coach or a player would have a clause in their contract that would guarantee them promotion based on their seniority is nonsense, and there is probably no structure that would do that currently.

Wooloo had actually misinterpreted a term, which he explained in his following tweet: ” The real clause allows Crusher to look at the opportunities offered to him despite his contract, if he is not promoted to the LEC. He could therefore either continue to coach the academy or study possible offers from LEC teams. I worded that incorrectly, and I apologize.

“Don’t believe everything you read on Twitter”

After this rectification, Dardo spoke again on Twitter, this time in a more conciliatory tone: “Don’t believe everything that is said on social networks. Even if a good part of the information is true, a significant amount n “It’s a fabrication. Normally, I don’t bother to deny it, but in this case, I had to intervene. I appreciate that Wooloo corrected his statement so quickly.”

If the rumors that have been circulating throughout this brief transfer window are confirmed, Fnatic lineup in 2023 would be Wunder, Razork, Humanoid, Rekkles and Rhuckz , coached by Crusher, after two interesting seasons in the Spanish national championship. Nevertheless, there is still time before the end of the transfer window, and this composition can therefore evolve.


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