LoL: DRX players teased their Worlds champion skin

Photo: LoL Esports

Before the press conference begins XRD after its won final, we had a little bingo between French journalists present on the spot… It was obvious that the question of world champion skins would be asked and unsurprisingly, the very first question of the conference was about this!

Little time had passed after the final game and we imagine that the players were still on their little cloud. However, they did not dry up and they were all able to tease their future choice of esport skin. Be careful, this is only a simple indication and they can still change their minds. But for the majority, the choice seems rather obvious!

What are world champion skins?

Newbies new to the League of Legends competitive scene may not know it, but Riot Games is honoring world champions by creating a custom skin for each Worlds winner, including replacing if they’ve played at least one game during the tournament. Juhan, DRX’s replacement jungler should therefore also have this honor (3 games). This tradition dates back to the season 1, even if for this edition the creation was retroactive. So we already had three lines of skins SKTskins EDG last year or even Invictus Gaming skins in 2018.

The choice of skins is more or less free. However, there is still a small condition that seems rather logical: to choose a skin on a champion, you must have played at least a part with this character during the Worlds. If we take the example of Pyosik, the latter therefore has the choice between Viego, Kindred, Graves, Vi, Sejuani, Poppy, Maokai and Hecarim. A rumor also claims that Riot Games has a little leeway to prevent the same champion from receiving too many world champion skins… But like Lee Sin (FPX and SKT) or Jarvan IV (Samsung Galaxy and Fnatic ) have been honored several times, it’s more of an urban legend.

DRX 2022: the players teased their choice at a press conference

  • kingen (top): elected MVP of the final, he has a little Zeus gap during the Bo5. great with sound Aatroxhe indicated that he would surely choose this champion for his skin.
  • pyosik (jungle): former OTP streamer Kindred, he continues to adore this jungler. Unsurprisingly, he should receive a champion skin on his signature champion.
  • Zeka (mid): at a press conference he expressed his preference for Akali. But a little later on his networks, he did a survey of his community also putting Sylas in the balance. So there’s a bit of suspense left.
  • Defense (ADC): with 100% winrate and especially 17 KDA on his Caitlyn during the Worlds, this legendary ADC wants a skin on the sniper.
  • Beryl (Supp): he is not yet sure of his choice, but he would like a skin Ashe inspired by Genshin Impact, his favorite mobile game. BeryL likes waifus and had already had a skin inspired by Saren Sasaki.

Juhan did not speak during the press conference but a manager reportedly said he would like a skin on maokai.


Breathtaking, incredible, majestic… There is no shortage of words when talking about the final of the League of Legends Worlds. The ceremony was exceptional and we had chills live from the Chase Center. We may be a little biased, but for us, it really is the best esport.

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