LoL: Faker surprises Caps with a basic move!

Being a professional League of Legends player does not only require excellent knowledge of the game, as well as the ability to communicate with partners, but also excellent self-control to keep a cool head in all situations, even the most unfavorable. . In yesterday’s match, Faker once again proved why he remains the game’s greatest legend to this day. Put in difficulty by Caps, the Korean knew how to turn the situation to his advantage with great intelligence.

An old trick from S1

Pretending to go in one direction to flash into a bush on the opposite side is a trick that was born a few hours after The Flash. Every League of Legends player has been had at least once, and will probably be had again in the future. One would expect professional players to be harder to fool, but the situation is probably worse for them. For them it is not an adversary and one or two teammates who will see the action, but hundreds of thousands of spectators. If it succeeds, the tricked player is mocked on social media, but if it fails, then it’s your own team’s fans to tank, as they’ll ask you why wasted your most valuable summoner spell for try to show off.

In this match, the Dane took advantage of Zoe’s range advantage to try to get the better of the Korean’s Akali. At one point, Faker takes the step too far, and finds himself at the mercy of Caps. When the situation seems lost, the Asian player decides to try this trick known as the White Wolf. That Faker tries this and succeeds during an MSI semi-final shows the composure of which the three-time world champion is capable. The action could have been attempted by chance (and it may have been), but further analysis suggests otherwise.

An ideal situation, for optimal play

Where the action takes place is very important. In reality, Faker has three interesting flash options, which will allow him to disappear from Caps’ sight, at least temporarily. He can flash either in the lower bush (the chosen option), or over the wall to go into the Nashor’s pit, or always over the wall but towards the G2 jungle. Here Caps, must choose between the three options, and despite the fact that he will explore two of them (he flashes in the Nashor pit afterwards), he will lose track of his rival. If there was one place on the map where the Dane could be fooled, it was probably this one. In his escape, Faker therefore chose the option that offered him the best chance of survival.

The psychological benefit is also important. At this point in the match, the T1s totally dominate the Europeans, and the latter know that they have no room for error or hesitation. It is at this moment that they are most likely to fall into a simple trap, and the former world champion has understood this very well. It is impossible to know which parts of his retirement plan were consciously planned, and which parts were only reaction, born from the experience of 10 years spent at the highest level on the game.


And one and two and three zero… There was no photo today and the Koreans of T1 crushed the European champions. G2 tried to resist, but the difference in level was glaring today on the League of Legends Summoner’s Rift. Return on this small rouste.

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