LoL game news: Zeri, Caitlyn, Twisted Fate… Changes to come for many champions, Riot reveals its plans for 12.3

Game News LoL: Zeri, Caitlyn, Twisted Fate… Modifications to come for many champions, Riot reveals its plans for 12.3

While patch 12.2 has only just rolled out, League of Legends teams are already in the thick of the 12.3 update. And on the program, many modifications concerning the heroes are to be expected.


  • A wave of nerves approaching
  • Adjustments for the competitive scene

A wave of nerves approaching

Deployed last Thursday, the League of Legends patch 12.2 was expected. And for good reason ! It was synonymous with the arrival of the 158th champion of the Rift: Zeri, an AD Carry (a character responsible for doing damage in the bot lane). Nicknamed the Spark of Zaun, her range of abilities revolve around electricity, including a passive that grants her a shield and movement speed when she does damage. Five days after release, Zeri already appears to be undergoing an overall power reduction (or nerve) by developers. This is what Phlox, a game designer of LoL, indicates on Twitter:

Phlox finds the upcoming patch interesting, especially for Ahri’s rework and updating the “fighter system” so that it is less distorted. More information will be shared tomorrow on this subject. Phlox reminds that the Techno-Chemical Dragon has been deactivated and also specifies that certain champions, very used by professionals, are also entitled to their own adjustments.

Adjustments for the competitive scene

For example, the presence of Caitlyn and that of Twisted Fate are not insignificant. We even told you about it yesterday: the two champions are present in more than 95% of LEC matches (the Korean league, one of the three major leagues in LoL) and are banned in the majority of cases. On this subject, no nerve concerning Renekton seems to be in the pipes yet banned from 45 games out of 47 in LEC.

And if we do not yet know the nature of the adjustments that Riot will take against champions and objects, the studio does not want to take any risks. Evidenced by the fate of Zeri: the champion, nerfed to come, will not be able to be played this week, during the 3rd week of the spring split:

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