LoL: Karmine and LDLC OL “overpriced” compared to the LEC?

Photo: Karmine Corp.

It’s not new and the community, especially French, continues to animate it on a daily basis. Is there really a significant level gap between the teams ERL and the teams LEC ? Karmine Corp fans are surely among the most vocal and vindictive. This is not innocent, since behind this question hides the desire to see the French team join the European elite as soon as possible. Kameto wants to play Worlds and staying in LFL, it will never be possible…

In France, we redouble our imagination to find positive signs. We roll mechanics by pointing the finger at the quality of LFL rookies with many players who belonged to the LEC (Rekkles, Vander, Jeskla, Vizicsacsi…). We also cite good results gleaned during scrims (training games) against teams that play in the European elite. So there are reasons for hope. The concern is that the players currently playing in the LEC are not that positive. In an interview, Targamas, Sertuss or Flaked have regularly confirmed that there really was a difference in level with the ERLs, knowing that they belonged to this level not long ago. Jankos also spoke on the subject, and he was not kind to the LFL teams … The Pole did not only make friends with his exit.

For Jankos, EUM teams are overrated

The veteran thinks the community has a bit of a distorted view of the top ERL teams. It must be said that they evolve in smaller leagues where competitiveness is less. They can thus crush the competition at their level and we would then tend to overprice them. It’s the complete opposite of bottom teams in the LEC like Astralis Where SK Gaming. For Jankos, these two teams deserve more respect and it is not because they suffer from the comparison with opponents like G2, Fnatic or Rogue, that they are bad. Obviously, his opinion is not a general truth, but as an experienced professional player, his vision is still something to consider. ERL teams could beat, especially in Bo1, teams at the bottom of the LEC table (bottom 5). However, according to the player, they would not represent a threat at all to the top 5.

He adds that the teams of European Masters, which bring together the crème de la crème of the ERLs, are “not so strong”. Jankos does not come out of nowhere with this statement: to prepare for the LEC playoffs, G2 a scrim against teams present at the EUM this year, in particular because there were not a lot of training partners available at this time of the year. Among the teams mentioned, the Pole gave the name of two French teams: LDLC OL and the Karmine Corp. (Once). He thanks both teams for their help, but he wasn’t particularly impressed with their level of play. .

Official ERL vs LEC matches? An unattainable fantasy

Jankos however, prompted fans to be pragmatic. While some are calling for official matches between LEC and ERL, for the hype but also to prove that the level gap is small between the two levels, this project will never take place. The LEC has already expressed itself on the question and the league would have absolutely nothing to gain from it… Riot Games wants to keep an organized pyramid and does not want to animate and feed the debate. If the LEC teams win, it will just be “normal” and logical. A defeat, on the other hand, will have the effect of an earthquake.

We imagine that for fans of the Karmine Corp., this situation is as frustrating as it is unfair. But everything comes at the right time to who knows how to wait and we know that one day or another the LEC will open its doors to other teams to expand the league. KC will have competition but still seems to be one of the essential candidates.


The LFL is becoming more and more attractive and many former League of Legends globalists are playing in our French league. Among them, we must mention Rekkles and Cabochard, two of the big names of Karmine Corp. Another experienced element is expected to join the league in the Summer Split.

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