LoL: Katarina, Shaco buffs, Seraphine, Senna, Yuumi nerfs in 12.12 hotfix

Many changes have taken place in recent weeks on League of Legends causing several imbalances in the game. In fact, with each new patch, new champions become too powerful while others sink to the bottom of the winrate rankings. This is why Riot Games tries to be reactive and applies mid-patch updates as is still the case for 12.12.

As advertised Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, several changes will arrive on June 30, a week after the release of patch 12.12. Among the buffs, we find in particular two great victims of the last patches, Shaco and Katarina. The first had its survivability drop to increase its damage while the AD build of the second was made impossible on this one. Fact, positive changes will happen this Thursday, June 30th as well as to Caitlyn and Leona.

On the other hand, a lot of champions are too powerful lately, including Seraphine, Yuumi and Senna who have a much too important heal. This should change since these champions are targeted in patch 12.12b as Wukong, Zeri and Tahm Kench, dominant for a few weeks now. Finally, Bel’Vethreleased just recently, will also be nerfed given thatshe outrageously dominates the soloq.

Riot Phroxzon also took the opportunity to show balances for patch 12.13 including that of Master Yi announced a few days ago. Many other champions will receive a buff, including Elise, Evelyn and Fiddlesticks absent in the competitive jungle in recent months. Among the nerves to come, Corki tops the list as the character dominates the Summoner’s Rift in recent weeks as well as Volibear.

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