LoL: Nilah and many buffs are coming with patch 12.13

League of Legends, Patch, 12.13, Changes, Nerfs, Buffs, Nilah, Items, Master Yi, Sivir, Skins, Riot Games

Nilah, the new ADC and a new batch of buffs arrive for several champions in this new patch.

League of Legends patch 12.13 was highly anticipated. Whether it’s the arrival of Nilahavailable from July 14, the rework of Sivir, offering him several new tools and especially Master Yi’s buff which aims to make him more viable for competitions.

In this patch, we find above all a large number of buffs with no less than 11 champions buffed for only two nerfs in the person of Corki and Volibear. For Corki, it is above all a question of reducing the power of his R which made him a character too effective at a distance according to Riot. The character still gets a slight buff to his E to help him in close combat. As for the polar bear, his kit is globally nerfed since he loses damage on almost all his spells. The objective would be to refocus Voli on his first role that of Tank.

This new patch is also an opportunity to celebrate the arrival of a first batch of Star Guardian skins. In effect, 6 new skins including 1 prestige arrives from July 14th. Players will be able to smash the darkness again with the power of friendship. You can find more detailed patch notes right here.

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