LoL: Riot further strengthens Blitzcrank jungle on the PBE, while nerfing it in support!

LoL: Riot further strengthens Blitzcrank jungle on the PBE, while nerfing it in support!



Blitzcrank received improvements in League of Legends patch 12.19, including possibly allowing him to go toplane and jungle. Now, with patch 12.20, Riot is emphasizing this role shift, while reducing its power to the support role.

Every time League of Legends informs its audience of next patch changes , many players are eagerly awaiting what Riot Games will come up with to polish their MOBA’s meta. The purpose of these patches is to allow all champions available in the game to find their place in Summoner’s Rift. One of the changes that surprised the community the most was Blitzcrank one of the iconic characters from the early days of the game, who has been comfortably installed in the botlane for years.

The Iron Golem received improvements in patch 12.19 which many users did not expect, because instead of giving it a boost in its most common position, Riot Games decided to return it effective in the jungle , a role that few expected him to land. These modifications were rather well received, in particular because of the popularity of the champion. iWith patch 12.20, Riot insists on their passage in the jungle, but also that of the Support



Passive – Mana Barrier

Shield changed from 30% of max mana to 15-45% of max mana; depending on Blitzcrank level

A – Propelled Grapple

Damage reduced from 105-305 to 105-285

Z – Overload

Increase bonus damage to jungle mobs from 60-180 to 60-220 (based on Blitz level)

E – Steel Fist

Damage reduced from 200% of total AD (+25% AP) to 175% of total AD (+25% AP)

Increased damage bonus to jungle monsters from 150% total AD (+125% AP) to 175% total AD (+125% AP)

[NOUVEAU] Some jungle mobs can now “fly to the moon” if you kill them with this skill

A new monster in the jungle?

For now, the 12.19 changes benefited Blitz supp more, than Blitz jungle. Nevertheless Riot Games seems to want to insist on this role, even if for the moment an optimal and effective build for this position for the Steam Golem has not (yet?) been found. Given its recent winrate in soloQ, Blitz support’s small nerfs are welcome. As for Blitz jungle, it will take some tests to be fixed, but the champion has arguments.

Riot Games is really determined to see the champion arrive in the jungle in S12 or S13 because in addition to the buffs for this role, they have added a feature that is a plus for having fun with the champion : As they said in the patch, now some jungle monsters can “fly to the moon” if you kill them with Blitz’s Steel Fist (E). Does this affect anything in game or tier lists? No way. Is it fun to see how monsters fly high until they disappear from the map? Probably more than listening to a joke from the editor.


The teams participating in the League of Legends World Championships have a few days off, before attacking the return matches of the groups. Small point on the chances of each to advance to the knockout stages.

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