LoL: Sett’s most absurd interaction demonstrating Riot’s “spaghetti code”

One of the most common accusations from the community League of Legends towards the developers is that they did disastrous programming in the early years of the game. A situation that Riot Games itself has admitted to be true and which has led to many restrictions when creating champions or new abilities, but which seemed resolved. However, the negative effects of the so-called “ spaghetti codes can always appear in games with the weirdest interactions that don’t seem logical at all.

An interaction that turns enemies into Yuumi

The latest of the bugs discovered by the community is related to an interaction that affects Sett and Tahm Kench. When the River King attempts to defend an ally affected by Sett’s ultimate, highlight of the show, with its own ultimate, Devour, the devoured champion can remain attached to the fighter for the rest of the game. This is as if he were becoming a kind of Yuumialthough the two characters can fight and even the death of one of the two, does not prevent them from remaining together when they reappear.

This interaction isn’t exactly new, and it was there when the champion was originally released, though it happened in a different way. However, Riot seemed to have completely removed it. A reality that, as we now see, was unproven and has more than enough potential to ruin a game. One of Tahm Kench’s main roles is to save his teammates, so preventing them from being affected by Sett’s ultimate is something you’ll likely face if both champions are present in a single match.

Given that competitive play is now back, this bug could also spell disaster for the integrity of pro games in League of Legends.

A considerable threat since both are relatively popular and we are approaching the last games of the Playoffs in almost all competitive regions. They are also quite popular in SoloQ and Tahm Kench has a high win rate. Fortunately, it seems very likely that it won’t take Riot Games more than a few hours to introduce a fix for this failed interaction..

League of Legends’ most exclusive cosmetic doesn’t belong to a champion. This is a beacon skin that the developer only distributes to players who have contributed significantly to the game or the community.

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