LoL: The best champions on 12.10… in URF!

Although most players spend the majority of their time on the main League of Legends game mode, the other modes are still popular. Since the last update brought big changes to the game’s balance, to the point of upsetting the tierlists in Summoner’s Rift, it would be interesting to look at its impact on other game modes. The Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) was our first candidate.

The Death Quartet

At the very top of the URF tierlist sits Kayle. While his power gain in Summoner’s Rift isn’t all that surprising given the patch rolled out, his dominance in URF is a bigger surprise. Generally champions who can cast their spells a lot more often have an advantage, but Kayle relies more on her auto-attacks than spells. Seeing her at 63% winrate is unexpected, and confirms her current power. The second place is occupied by Fiora, and this time, it’s not that surprising. The Sublime Swashbuckler takes advantage of the URF mechanic, which gives her almost unlimited dashes, while her passive procs more often. Not to mention the fact of possibly being able to launch two ultimates per teamfight with the appropriate build (and an adequate situation, namely a relatively long fight for URF.

Wukong and Sona complete the podium. The Monkey King is already very strong on the toplane, and to see him dominate in the URF is hardly surprising. This game mode gives him even more mobility, which he can sometimes lack in the classic mode. The great strength of Wukong comes mainly from the fact that not content to be more than correct as an individual champion in this mode, his ultimate is excellent for any Wombo Combo. This allows it to fit into all strategies. This is also the characteristic of Sona, who is the champion who benefits the most from the mechanic of URF. Thanks to the improved spell recharge speed, it’s as if your four allies are permanently under the muse’s three blessings. Of course, Sona is not balanced for this situation, which makes her very powerful in URF.

What has the patch changed?

If we look at the statistics of patch 12.9, we realize that the situation has not changed much. Kayle was already dominating at the time, as well as Wukong and Sona who formed the top three. Fiora benefited more from the patch, dropping from eighth to second, but overall it doesn’t change much. Very strong in this mode before the patch, so her situation hasn’t changed that much. The URF tierlist has generally moved a little, but without major upheaval. Even looking at it the other way around, no champion saw their winrate increase hugely and went from bad to average or even good. Finally, this may be the important information. That while the patch had a major impact on Classic Mode, it hasn’t changed much in URF so far.


And one and two and three zero… There was no photo today and the Koreans of T1 crushed the European champions. G2 tried to resist, but the difference in level was glaring today on the League of Legends Summoner’s Rift. Return on this small rouste.

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