LoL: The best item that doesn’t exist suggested by the community

League of Legends has a wide variety of items that have interesting side effects associated with them. However, the community still has ideas to improve the system. The last proposal made by a player in this regard is particularly interesting and would try adapt one of the funniest items available in the Dota 2 store to all existing characters in the Riot Games MOBA.

One Dota item we’d like to see in League of Legends

The object in question is called Aghanim’s Scepterand it is one of the most curious items in Dota 2. Its effect, far from providing great statistical improvements, is to provide additional effects to certain abilities of each character. To give League of Legends players an understandable example, there’s a character named Warlock who can summon a golem similar to Annie’s bear with his ultimate. However, when you use this item, you can double the effect by casting two of these monsters simultaneously.

Can you imagine a Yorick with even more companions?

Although only a few heroes in Dota 2 use this item effectively, it suits everyone, creating some very interesting buffs. In this way, a player wanted to explore how this item could be adapted in League of Legendsand came up with a version of its effects on different Summoner’s Rift champions, from which we’ve picked the four that we think are the most interesting:

  • Nami – R (Tidal Wave) : Skill gains global range, increasing in speed as it moves across the map. Its damage would also be increased.
  • Mordekaiser – R (Realm of the Dead) : If you press R again while casting your skill, Mordekaiser will stay outside the Realm of the Dead, leaving his enemy alone in that area for 4.5 seconds. Additionally, it steals 10% of his stats and keeps them for 10 after the spell ends.
  • Lulu – R (Prodigious Growth) : Can be cast on enemies to shrink them and reduce all their stats by 40%.
  • Thresh – R (The Box) : If Thresh casts his ultimate when his lantern is active, a second prison is created around the lantern.
There are few better (and more dangerous) ideas than Thresh with his duplicate ultimate.  - League of Legends
There are few better (and more dangerous) ideas than Thresh with his duplicate ultimate.

Although this item might seem like one of the most broken in League of Legends, it would come with the inconvenience of having a high gold cost that would not be offset by stats. A very interesting alternative that could fit in the game, but that would have two problems. On the one hand, it would be a nightmare for Riot Games’ balancing team and on the other hand, it would lead to a host of issues for many patches after release. This, coupled with the need to differentiate from Dota, likely means we’ll never see him in the game.

There’s no denying that the idea is appealing to say the least, and an alternate game mode could even be built around this item where abilities would have additional effects. However, that’s not the only area where League of Legends could benefit from ideas from Dota 2, and there’s no doubt that Valve’s title could also learn from Riot.


By MGG Spain

Long lost in the world of Runeterra, Norra, the little kitten’s missing mistress, would finally give her news – and not via League of Legends. She would have been seen on an image from Legends of Runeterra.

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