LoL: The effective champions to go up in SoloQ on patch 12.8

The right champion to earn LP is a strong champion in the meta that the player enjoys. These two conditions must be the absolute truth in the search for performance, because there are ultimately as many profiles as there are players, and some of them reach the highest level every day with atypical champions and builds. The ones presented in the article represent only the most generic fraction of how to earn LPbut it’s by no means a must-follow holy text in Summoner’s Rift.

Gnar and Jax at the top of the toplane

These two champions share a lot in common. They both have good options for dealing with melee and ranged opponents, allowing them to be blinded relatively safely. (there are still very very difficult match ups). Both have good general mobility (provided they have a ward for Jax), allowing them to push the toplane without risking a big penalty, if a good warding has been done before. Jax and Gnar are excellent duelists who can defeat almost any champion in the game. Both can win 1v2s if their lead is big enough. On the other hand, their spell kit also allows them to recover resources even if the opponent takes advantage. Dive a Jax or Gnar is often risky, so even if they are overpowered, it is possible for them to resist longer than average. Their builds are adaptable, they can be played as a split pusher or with a more teamfight oriented build. Players who prefer to regroup after a while and fight with their allies will prefer Gnar, who is stronger in this area than Jax, while the latter is more suited to players who prefer split push.

Lady Diana of the Jungle

League of Legends

Diana currently dominates the jungle thanks to her speed in the clean. This allows him to naturally take an advantage in experience and gold over his direct opponent, but above all to have more time to consider stealing camps from him or initiating a gank. Diana is perfectly capable of dictating the rhythm of the game, forcing the opposing jungler to be more in reaction than action. His assassin side allows him to remove fragile threats from the enemy composition very quickly., thus reversing the games where the midlane and the botlane lost their duels. To top it off, Diana has an area CC. Even if it’s not the CC that will win thousands of games, it is far from negligible and can be gamebreaker. Diana’s greatest strength is still her clean speed, an area where only Graves and Volibear can compete.

Ahri se and face me!

League of Legends

Since the rework of her ultimate, the vixen has become more and more popular. Its biggest advantage comes from its excellent mobility. Ahri does not need to win his lane directly, his spell kit allows him to push it very easily, giving him the possibility of making a difference on a side lane. If she manages to coordinate well with her jungler, she has all the tools to give the opposing team a nightmare. With the reset of ultimate stacks on kills, she became extremely difficult to catch in teamfights. The vixen is perfectly capable of infiltrating enemy lines, killing a carry and running away. There are currently two builds for her: the one seen in the pro scene, where Arhi sacrifices some damage to provide extra CC, and another that is purely damage-focused. She gradually became a soloQ-friendly Twisted Fate, losing some mobility on the map in favor of better tools to manage her 1v1.

Xayah and Ezreal, the infernal duo

League of Legends

Although Xayah and Ezreal are quite different, they are a bit like two sides of the same coin. Xayah is very strong on this patch, her build with Eclipse and Muramana allows her to have a powerspike faster than other late game carries. His early game damage is pretty good, and a lot of players are still getting surprised by a burst from him. The more the game progresses, the more it will be able to cut the opposing team. On the other hand, the Vastaya is struggling to win on its own. She’ll need at least one reliable ally on her team to protect her and create space for her.

Ezreal represents the opposite side. He also has good damage in early, and he takes advantage of the power of the Muramana. Shis very good mobility allows him not to depend on an ally for protection, and he can kite opponents for a very long time. His damage in teamfights is more than decent, but unlike Xayah, he can struggle to overcome the enemy frontlane. Again, the choice between the two will depend more on the person in front of the screen, than a question of pure power.

Support, everyone is welcome!

League of Legends

No champion really stands out for the support position. Not that they’re bad, but they’re way too different for the comparison to make sense. Comparing a Soraka to a Zyra or a Rell would not add much, as these champions simply do not have the same goal. For an aggressive playstyle, Leona and Nautilus are great options, while Karma and Yuumi are better at protecting their allies. People who want to do damage can fall back on Zyra for AP (you have to wait a bit to see Swain’s evolution in the support position) and Pyke or Pantheon for AD.

The League of Legends community has suggested to Riot Games the possibility of removing the boots. These are the most purchased items in the game, and they deliver next to nothing that can’t be fixed with a few changes to champions.

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