LoL: The most exclusive skin yet available and the strange way to get it

When we talk about the most exclusive aspects of League of Legends, it’s only fitting that our heads turn to those skins that disappeared from the store forever. There are, for example, cosmetics that could only be obtained by playing the beta or even buying the physical version of the game released in 2009. However, not all cosmetics that we rarely see during our games are related to ancient times and there’s an even harder skin to get that Riot Games only gives players in very specific situations.

The most special skin in League of Legends

If at this point you are thinking of an unknown skin for a champion, you are wrong. League of Legends’ most unique cosmetic is a simple ward skin. It is true that it does not have much value on its own, since these aspects are not as requested by the community as those of the champions. However, its meaning is very special for Riot Games since it is a gift that can only be offered to us by an employee of the company under very specific conditions.

Edgar Medina, Country Manager of Riot, has spoken on the subject several times

Interesting fact, it is still available and applies to all Riot Games multiplayer titles except TFT. Many content creators — who are part of the developer’s partner programs — have earned it as a reward for countless hours of fun playing with the game. However, that’s not the only way to do it. As Edgar Medina, one of Riot’s managers, pointed out, we need a company employee to take an interest in us and notice that we have made a positive contribution to the community or, that we have allowed to live a memorable moment.

“It’s something we usually give to people who have contributed to the game in some way, as a gesture for something memorable and/or positive. During special events, for example, we plan to give them away and we do not distribute them on request, but when we witness a memorable moment”explained Medroid. You don’t have to be famous or anythingjust grab the attention of a League of Legends employee or another Riot Games employee with something particularly funny or with one of those heart-warming gestures.

The old version of this skin is no longer available

In addition to this new look for this beacon, there is a previous version which in this case is impossible to obtain. However, it was not subject to such rigid rules. Some of the owners of the first version of the beacon skin claim to have won it in some community raffles and not by such gestures, since there are records on the Internet of this type of distribution. However, they could be returned under the same circumstances. However, they could be distributed under the same circumstances. If you have it, congratulations, because it’s one of the most exclusive cosmetics in League of Legends history. However, you will need to find a way to get your hands on the new version.

Riot Games has always been very thoughtful with these kinds of freebies. Not too long ago, a developer even sent a company-exclusive t-shirt celebrating the release of Poppy’s revamp to a player who showed their love for the champ.

We’ve also seen other gestures in the past, like players being able to play with certain developers when they were close to earning their 1,000th win. Small gestures with which the developer wants us to feel proud to belong to the League of Legends community.

Although they appear in every League of Legends game, you may not be familiar with them. A brief overview of the well-kept secrets of our favorite henchmen.

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