LoL: The Most Fun Level One Pentakill In The Game You Should Try Now

Of all the things we can achieve in League of Legends, doing a Pentakill is probably one of the most satisfying. However, they do not all have the same flavor. It’s sometimes difficult to pull it off with some champions who don’t really have the tools to do it, and when you do, it’s all the more rewarding. Another particularly impressive fact: achieve this when you are level 1. Reigning in the chaos of combat from the first minute of a game is nigh on impossible, and it’s probably something many will never experience — or at least be able to replicate easily.

A twice special pentakill

A community member wanted to share a doubly special Pentakill with the rest of the players. In addition to having been obtained during the first moments of the game, they did it with Rengar as ADC and Ivern as Support. A very particular bot lane with obvious synergy in which the support places bushes to try to activate the jumps of his partner. It’s a choice that may be complicated for the rest of the game, but extremely fun and attractive for players.

With the mobility and attack range provided by Ivern’s summoned bushes, Rengar can constantly hit the enemy team’s most vulnerable target. A situation that allowed him to have the Pentakill, after having secured three kills to finally dive the opposing turret to recover the last enemies (at the cost of some sacrifices). A combo that worked perfectly for a Platinum-level game.

As expected, Rengar’s team managed to win the match. This champ is one of the League of Legends characters with the greatest ability to snowball. With a Pentakill, he might as well have bought the first half of his mythic item, plus the character has a passive that permanently increases his attack damage after killing an enemy champion.

Out of curiosity, it should be pointed out that a duo of players managed to make this synergy work on a regular basis at the Master rank. It might be worth a try, although we recommend training in normal game first and not trying to go straight to ranked.

One of the most unfair changes in the latest patch 12.5b was Riot Games’ necessary evil to avoid losing control of League of Legends’ balance. However, this drew some criticism in the community.

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