LoL: These champions who dominate the competition, but suck in soloQ!

Before we start, here’s a little point on the methodology used in the article. We are going to talk about champions who have some of the worst SoloQ winrates on patch 12.13, to all ELOs on the Western Europe server. When it comes to knowing if they are used in competition, we base ourselves on the Summer Split of the four “major” regions. This allows us to avoid the classics Ryze and Twisted Fate which are always in these kinds of articles, but which were very little played during the Summer Split 2022.

Gwen, a storm in a thimble

Although the Spinner spell kit be enough easy to master from a mechanical point of view, it remains difficult to operate perfectly. It’s not necessarily difficult to understand it or to use it during the lane phase, but it does take a excellent vision of the game for’optimally use during team fights. In addition to that, since it allows Gwen to survive a few extra seconds during a group confrontation, it is necessary that the rest of the team follow the action, which is not always the case in soloQ, even at high ELO. Today Gwen has 46% overall win rate, knowing that his win rate increases as you go up the ladder. Nevertheless, it never exceeds 50% even in diamond +.

Zeri don’t gobble

Just like Gwen’s, the Zeri’s winrate does not exceed 46%. On the other hand, his case is a little more particular, because it is in gold and platinum that his win rate is the lowest (although it’s not much brighter in bronze and silver). This fairly low win rate despite dominating the competition is partly explained by the fact that this champion requires a certain amount of skillcap to be fully exploited, as well as a very good game vision to position yourself perfectly. We must add to this that she remains an ADC in soloQ, and therefore even if she does a good lane phase, if an assassin is fed into the opposing team, it is not certain that his allies will protect him effectively.


Another weaver, all that’s missing is Elise to have a winning trio. Taliyah’s case is more particular, because she is a champion whose goal is as much to snowball her allies as herself. She will rarely take advantage in 1v1, but her ability to shift quickly allows her to ganking very effectively. It works pretty good in Platinum/Diamond (around 50% winrate) and higher, but in lower ELOs his winrate is abysmal.

League of Legends

Azir, Gangplank and Gnar

Here we find ourselves with characters accustomed to this kind of classification, so we will deal with them more quickly. Azir and Gangplank need some time to start being serious threats, and it often happens that soloQ games are more or less already played when they reach their peak power. Plus they shine mainly in teamfightbut if players on the team decide that the splitpush, c’est la viethen they will have much more difficult to get out of the game. The icing on the cake, they can have difficulties in the lane phase, against very aggressive champions.

For Gnar it’s a bit different, because he’s very strong in lane, although it’s not a great split pusher (not bad, but it’s not Tryndamere or Fiora). Above all, he is a champion who needs his team coordinates around his Mega-Gnar, and follows his initiatives perfectly (assuming that the Gnar has a good vision of the game, and does not jump in the middle of the opposing team to place a 4 man ult while only his jungler and his support are next to him). Like all champions requiring good collective organization, Gnar struggles to shine in solo mode.

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