LoL: These small changes that would modify the game in depth

Two things are endless on Reddit: human stupidity, as a certain scientist said, almost always quoted irrelevantly (example: the sentence you are reading), and the imagination of users. And imagination, the League of Legends community has no shortage of it. The exercise of the day consisted in making only one modification to the mechanics of the game, but with the aim of completely modifying it. Here are the ideas that seemed to us the most relevant to the subject (but we don’t necessarily want to see them in the game).

League of Range

The first change is silly, but would totally change League of Legends. The principle is simple, only last hit minions bring experience. This idea is totally on topic, with one seemingly minor change, but one that would reinvent the whole game. Some have commented that this will kill most sololane melee champions, who will have a high chance of automatically losing against range characters that will prevent them from last hitting and therefore recovering xp. The most affected will undoubtedly be the supports, but at least they will be able to AFK fountain, without deserving a postponement. It wouldn’t take very long for players to adapt though, and dual jungle strategies would then become viable.

There’s no way out

The other minor change that would totally revolutionize the game would be the impossibility of using Flash in combat. End this frustration, where after slaloming between the wards and the opposing CCs, you finally arrive on the opposing backlane to see them Flash, leaving you again without opponents nearby. Of course if this change would strengthen the fighter archetype, the shooters and some mages would be completely nerfed, because they can no longer escape once caught. There would obviously be some champions who would go totally nuts with such a change, Jarvan IV being the example that comes to mind. Although this would result in beautiful combo wombos, it is not certain that such a change is desirable.


Changes less impactful, but fun

The first in this list would be the friendly fire. It is very likely that like us, you are mixed in imagining this. Certainly taking revenge on this mate who has been bugging you since the start of the game is enjoyable, but it could quickly become a very big mess. (polite expression meaning that it is the big demayr). And here we only discussed deliberate uses to harm his mates, but it’s also possible to wonder about how to teamfight, especially if you play a champion like Karthus who tends to do his damage in AOE and could potentially cause more damage in your team than in the opposing team.

The other proposal is directly inspired by DOTA 2, and consists in being able to last-hit your own minions. These would then bring neither gold nor experience, either for you or for your opponent. This would change lane phases a lot, making lane bullies even stronger.

The last idea we picked is probably the best. It would consist of simply adding a rune, which would unlock a seventh item slot. It could be very practical for the supports, who often have trouble juggling between the components to build the final object, and the slot they have to keep for the pinks, or even the stopwatch. And finally, it probably wouldn’t be very strong as a rune, because it would only start to get really super strong once the full build was reached, which is still pretty rare at all ELOs.


PSG’s League of Legends team may struggle to arouse passion in France and Europe, for the simple reason that the team is mainly focused on Asia. Established within the PCS (Asia Pacific) region, it also regularly recruits Korean players.

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