Looking for ideas – citizens determine the future of the island

What should Hallein’s Pernerinsel look like in the future? This is now decided by the residents of Salzburg’s second largest city. A large-scale public survey will start in the spring. “Every idea is allowed,” says local director Alexander Stangassinger (SPÖ). He himself has clear preferences regarding the future of the island. . .

At least that is what all Hallein residents agree on. The Pernerinsel in the center of the city is unique, but is only used to a limited extent. How can that be changed? There is much less agreement on this. The Pernerinsel has been owned by the municipality for almost 30 years.

Mayor Alexander Stangassinger is now on the offensive, wants the residents to have their say. A professionally supervised public survey is to start in the spring. Next week, three companies will present their concepts for the surveys at the community council meeting. Politicians will choose a winner, and the surveys will start in March. “Everything is allowed, from the idea of ​​a new outdoor pool on the Pernerinsel to very unusual things,” says Stangassinger.

He himself has clear ideas about the future of the island. “It should remain a cultural island,” says the local chief. And yet a vision is already off the table. Art patron Claus Spruzina wanted to transform the island into an art and technology center including a university campus. According to Spruzina, start-ups and young entrepreneurs should also find their home on the Pernerinsel in the future – the “Krone” reported. “The idea is currently no longer being pursued,” says Stangassinger.
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