Lorie’s surprise twenty years apart!


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Friday, February 18, the mythical program “Stars at home” made its comeback. For this anniversary edition, the singer Lorie decided to surprise the same fan, twenty years later. A moment rich in emotions.

Can’t forget Stars at homethe program that marked our youth and in which we all (secretly) dreamed of participating. Jenifer, Pascal Obispo, Hélène Ségara, the L5s… We remember each surprise as if it were yesterday, and in particular that of Lorie. Twenty years ago, the singer had landed in the room of little Johanna, while the latter was sleeping soundly. Despite her live recovery of her flagship title “I will be your best friend”, the girl took long minutes before waking up. On the occasion of the show’s return, Lorie wanted to surprise Johanna once againbecome an adult.

“This surprise was a very very very strong moment”says the singer and actress in an interview with Flavie Flament. “Hey, we surprise Johanna again? That would be funny, wouldn’t it?”, then launches Lorie. Bet accepted. The production of the show has found the parents of the 28-year-old young woman, who still live in the same area. With their complicity, Lorie was able to redo her surprise in the same house and the same room. For the occasion, Johanna’s mother managed to convince her to sleep with them. The singer is therefore arrival in the early morning, around 5 a.m.accompanied by a guitarist. “I hope she wakes up this time”says Lori. “I don’t like to stay on a failure.”

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“It pleases me too much”

Before going up to the room, the singer still asked Johanna’s mother if she was fine. “all alone” and if “she’s not naked”. This time, Lorie didn’t even have time to sing. After a few guitar notes, the young woman was already awake and very surprised. Visibly very moved, Lorie sat on her bed to sing her the same song than twenty years ago, between several bursts of laughter. Once wide awake and dressed, Johanna joined Lorie and Flavie Flament for a unique breakfast, during which the three women returned to this moment that binds them. “It pleases me too much”says Johanna. “At the time, I remember waking up but not seeing anything. I wondered what it was. But it was very late…” From now on, she will remember this moment all her life.

Juliette Thevenot

A great travel enthusiast, Juliette Thévenot is attracted by all the subjects and themes that can relate to a society at a given moment: health, sexuality, the place…

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