Lose weight on the belly: the 7 best tips

Losing weight on the stomach
The best tips for a slim waist

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Losing weight on the stomach – that often sounds easier than it really is. With these tips you can target this problem area and melt excess pounds!

Help, belly fat!

A big belly is a blemish for many people – but above all it is also very unhealthy. Studies show that a large waist (more than 88 centimeters in women, more than 102 in men) can promote diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, lines organs such as the liver and pancreas and increases the circumference of the abdomen. And in the worst case, this leads to obesity! However, the tissue can also release fatty acids and pro-inflammatory messenger substances. This in turn has a negative impact on blood pressure and blood sugar levels. And belly fat can be very stubborn when trying to get rid of it – Losing belly weight requires a lot of discipline.

Targeted weight loss on the stomach – is that possible?

Unfortunately, there is still no miracle cure that makes losing weight easier on the stomach and unfailingly boosts the metabolism. But: Belly fat usually melts away a bit faster than that on the hips and buttocks. In order to be able to lose weight on the stomach, it is particularly useful to take a look at your diet and exercise habits.

Lose weight on your belly: 7 quick tips for everyday life

Losing belly fat is not easy. But these 7 tips can help:

  1. Cook fresh: Even if it is often time-consuming, cooking yourself with fresh ingredients has many advantages. On the one hand, you know exactly what’s in your food and don’t have to think about possible hidden sugar or fat traps. On the other hand, seasonal and regional foods such as fruit and vegetables can be freely combined and you don’t have to bother with flavor enhancers that switch your taste buds to a sweeter taste, for example.
  2. Plan Meals: If possible, aim for three main meals a day – this works best if you plan these meals in advance. If you get hungry between meals, eat as much fruit, vegetables or nuts as possible.
  3. Limit carbohydrates: We should only eat limited amounts of white flour products such as bread, pasta, fast food and generally sugary foods. In the evening in particular, it is worth focusing on protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, lean dairy products or lean poultry instead. Because the protein it contains keeps you full for longer and boosts digestion overnight.
  4. Don’t forget to drink: So that the body gets enough liquid, it is best to drink at least two liters of water a day. Some unsweetened herbal tea is also fine. If you exercise, you should also drink half a liter more water for every half hour.
  5. Avoid stress: Studies show that chronic stress promotes obesity. Because the body releases the stress hormone cortisol in response – and this in turn increases the feeling of hunger and slows down fat loss. Therefore, make sure that you have enough rest breaks in everyday life and, if in doubt, block some time for yourself every day. You can use this time for things that relax you. It could be reading a good book, listening to music, or taking an extra nap — just do what feels good for you.
  6. Comply with the workout: Exercising is essential for losing belly weight. At least 30 minutes of exercise two to three times a week is ideal, and the focus should always be on different muscle groups. But it is just as important to allow yourself breaks, because muscles do not grow during training, but in the breaks between sports units.
  7. Limit consumption of stimulants: Luxury foods only belong on the menu in exceptional cases – alcohol in particular contains a lot of calories. It is best to stop smoking completely.

How right is healthy eating in general?

According to the German Society for Nutrition Visceral fat is more sensitive to dietary changes than subcutaneous fat. In other words, if fewer calories are eaten, the energy store makes more use of the abdominal fat reserves. But not all calories are the same! Quickly digestible carbohydrates, sugar and fat should only be consumed in small amounts. You should largely avoid these foods:

  • finished products
  • White bread
  • lemonade
  • Sweets

So that the body still gets the energy it needs, the nutrition plan should include:

  • A lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Fiber (e.g. in whole grain products and oatmeal)
  • lean meat
  • fish
  • Lean dairy products
  • At least two liters of water daily

Tip: It often helps to keep a food diary of what you eat each day. So you have a direct view of even small sins.

Sit-ups and Co.: The right movement

A flat stomach is the dream goal – and unfortunately we can’t achieve that without a workout, even if losing weight without exercise can generally work. Exercises to lose weight boost fat burning and metabolism and help us to turn the annoying fat into beautiful abdominal muscles. Strength training is particularly good. With targeted exercises, we can declare war on belly fat. But strength training on machines in the fitness center is also suitable in the fight against belly fat. The best thing to do is to do a briefing with a trainer and say that losing weight on your stomach is your big goal.

Anyone who is completely new to sports or has previous illnesses should have a doctor examine them in advance to see whether there is anything that speaks against the movement or which ones are suitable. If you already have joint problems, the doctor will probably advise you to do joint-gentle sports such as swimming. Because not only a sweaty workout boosts fat burning and ensures beautiful abdominal muscles!

movement in everyday life

By the way: Even a few small changes in movement in everyday life can already go a long way to burning calories and accelerating weight loss from the stomach. For example, take the stairs rather than the elevator and go for a brisk walk during your lunch break.

Why does fat tend to accumulate on the stomach anyway?

There are several components that influence whether we tend to accumulate kilos on the stomach, on the hips or on the bottom:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • old
  • lack of exercise
  • poor diet high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat
  • Diseases such as hypothyroidism

Is a fat belly more of a male problem?

In fact, men in particular are more prone to belly fat than women at a young age – the reason for this is the hormone testosterone. Because this favors the distribution of fat, especially on the stomach. In women, on the other hand, fat accumulates more on the hips and bottom, because the female hormone estrogen promotes fat distribution there. However, if the production of estrogen decreases during the menopause, the fat tends to accumulate on the abdomen in many women.

How do I measure my waist circumference correctly?

Do you want to lose weight on your stomach? Then you should first check whether your waist circumference is actually a concern. Use these tips to measure it correctly:

  • Stand up straight and expose your upper body – women can leave their bra on if they wish.
  • Place the tape measure just above the navel (between the lower rib cage and the iliac crest) and run it straight around the body.

The ideal time to measure the waist circumference is in the morning, before the stomach bloats, for example from a meal. Above all, you should always measure at the same time.

Tip: Here we explain how losing weight works in old age.


Federal Center for Nutrition: Abdominal circumference decisive for the health risk, 2019

Biesalski, H. et al.: IV Nutrition-associated diseases – Practice of nutritional medicine, Thieme Verlag, 5th edition, 2018


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