Lose weight without exercise: 9 great tips to help!

Lose weight without exercise
With these 9 tips you can lose weight even without much exercise

© Marina Litvinova / Shutterstock

Losing weight without exercise: What sounds like a dream for everyone who doesn’t like exercise is actually possible. With our tips, the kilos will fall off in everyday life without much effort!

Losing weight without exercise and a strict diet can actually be more than a dream – if you integrate a few small changes into your everyday life. But these should be much easier for someone who doesn’t like sports than dragging themselves to the gym three times a week. Of course, it’s easier to shed the pounds, but even if you have the motivation to exercise – between your job, household chores and relationships, you often just don’t have the time for a regular and intensive workout Allows you to lose weight on your stomach.

Weight loss tips: Burn calories in everyday life

In order to lose weight without exercising, we have to increase our calorie consumption in other ways so that we have a negative calorie balance at the end of the day – because this is the only way to lose weight. These weight loss tips can help:

1. Stairs instead of elevator

Of course it is pleasant to take the elevator to the third floor to the office. Still, you’d better take the stairs– after all, you will have been sitting in the office for at least eight hours and barely moving. Climbing stairs is an effective little workout to boost your metabolism. Also make sure to get some exercise during your lunch break, such as taking a short walk. This also helps with digestion!

2. Bike instead of train – kilo by kilo falls

Instead of sitting cramped on the train or bus when the air is bad or taking the car for every journey, no matter how short, we should get on the bike more often to lose weight. This is not just one effective exercise that burns calories; Cycling also strengthens endurance. And: Unlike many other sports, many people who don’t like sports like to cycle and thereby stimulate fat burning. Also because it doesn’t feel like sport.

3. Eat healthy…

Losing weight without exercise only works if you work on the second major component of losing weight: the Nutrition. It is not absolutely necessary to completely avoid sugar and carbohydrates (you usually cannot stick to such a diet anyway). But foods with a lot of calories should generally appear less often in your meals.

Help instead Foods with a low calorie densityto achieve a slight calorie deficit and thus lose weight. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, lean meat, fish and legumes. You can find out everything about calorie density in the Volumetrics Diet article. Need some recipe ideas? No problem: you can find low-calorie food here, for example.

Also make sure that you always more than your basal metabolic rate eats. This is the energy that the body needs when at rest to maintain its vital functions. The basal metabolic rate varies from person to person – but many calorie counting apps now offer the option of having it calculated.

4. …and above all, eat a lot of protein to fill you up

A high-protein diet with lots of protein and few calories supports fat loss, ensures a quick and longer feeling of satiety and prevents food cravings. Accordingly, eat meals full of dairy products, legumes, lean meat, fish and eggs as often as possible instead of calorie bombs full of simple carbohydrates. Extra tip: Take your time eating and make sure to chew every bite well.

5. Steer clear of crash diets

Many diets promise quick weight loss. This works for most concepts short term – but the kilos will just as quickly come back on (and even more) as soon as you stop the diet. Greetings from the JoJo effect! One makes more sense Diet changewhich can also be carried out over the long term and which provides you with all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

6. Drink water

We cannot emphasize it often enough: Only those who drink enough and supply their body with the appropriate fluids can boost their metabolism and thus lose weight. And on top of that A glass of water before eating helps you feel full more quickly. Especially if you want to lose weight without exercise, two to three liters of water a day makes sense. Calorie juices or lemonades, on the other hand, are only included in the menu in exceptional cases.

7. Get plenty of sleep – one of the easiest weight loss tips

When we sleep, our body regenerates itself so that we can give full power when we are awake. Studies show that poor sleep and lack of sleep can even lead to weight gain in the long term – that The feeling of hunger then increases. That’s why we should sleep around eight hours every night if possible to lose weight without exercise.

8. Avoid small sins – get rid of the belly fat

The cake that the colleague brought with her, the gummy bears that happen to be on the coffee table – there are lots of little sins that we find difficult to resist in everyday life and that ruin all diets. Unfortunately, they add up and can cause even the bravest weight loss attempts to fail. Only discipline helps here if you want to lose weight properly! If you can’t do without everything completely, treat yourself a small sweet per day. This is something you are particularly looking forward to.

9. Weight loss plan: Small exercises in everyday life

Also possible for those who don’t like sports: small exercises in everyday life not only keep muscles and joints fit, but also wake us up straight away, especially in the morning. Special fat burners are strength exercises such as push-ups or squats. It’s not about powering through half an hour, but about using your free time wisely – for example, while the kettle is running or the food is frying in the oven.

Are you looking for a new diet? Or a weight loss plan? Then try the quark diet! You can find out here how you can stimulate fat burning and why lemon water can help. Have you injured yourself while playing sports? We explain here why the PECH rule helps you now! And we explain here how losing weight as you get older works.



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