Losing weight – The best tips for losing weight

Instead of integrating protein shakes into your weight loss plan, it is advisable to detox in a natural way. A balanced diet that contains fiber, healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins is essential for anyone who wants to lose weight. We have the best tips for you to detox.
1. Eat healthy fillers
If you want to lose weight healthily, you shouldn’t have burgers and fries at lunchtime, but choose a meal that will fill you up for a long time. Studies have shown that olive oil suppresses appetite for several hours. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids and the high phenol content stimulate fat burning. Then nothing will stand in the way of the Spaghetti Aglio e Olio in the future.
2. Do not store sweets
Most people always have a supply of sweets stashed somewhere that can be plundered as the mood takes them. The problem with it: Few people are so disciplined and only treat themselves to a piece of chocolate. With everyone else, all the chocolate ends up in the stomach – including a guilty conscience. To avoid such binge eating, you should sort out your sweets and not bunker.
3. Eat at the table
Hand on heart: How many of you eat in front of the television in the evening? Exactly, certainly quite a lot. The problem with that, however, is that we dig a lot more into ourselves on the couch than if we were to eat at the table. Mindfulness is the key word here. Eat better at the table and take your time to consciously absorb the food. Then you will also notice when you are actually full.
4. Avoid alcohol, finished products and sugar
Alcohol, finished products and sugar are your enemies if you want to lose weight successfully. It’s tough, but it can’t be helped. However, it is the little sins of everyday life that make your calorie balance skyrocket. The following foods should be on your blacklist from now on: Chips, salty snacks, chocolate, gummy bears, liquorice, beer, wine, soft drinks, schnapps, frozen pizza, canned and microwave meals.
5. Have healthy snacks ready
Anyone who has asked themselves what they can eat after dinner instead or simply in between meals should be told: There are a number of healthy snacks and superfoods (e.g. chia seeds, avocados, psyllium, coconut oil, konjac, coconut blossom sugar) that you can eat may nibble without hesitation. Not only fruit and vegetables that you can cut into bite-sized pieces are meant, but also (unsalted) nuts, Greek yoghurt or olives.
6. Get enough sleep
How long you sleep has a decisive influence on your weight. If you sleep too little, your hormones and metabolism are unbalanced. This means that the body releases cortisol and insulin, which support the storage of fat – and cause food cravings. So: Better go to bed an hour earlier to get at least seven hours of sleep.
7. Stay away from diet products
Do you always automatically resort to the deceptive light version? Then let me tell you: Diet variants of certain foods are often spiced up with sugar, sweeteners or other industrial carbohydrates, because the flavor carrier is missing fat. And they drive up the blood sugar level and trigger cravings. Better keep away from it!
8. Breathe lean
Yes, correct breathing can also make a decisive contribution to weight loss. The deeper the abdominal breathing, the better the digestion can breathe. And that in turn means that we are less hungry. And this is how it works: Take a deep breath through your nose and let the air sink down to your belly button so that the abdominal wall rises. As you exhale, pull the abdominal wall inwards again.
9. Drink enough water
Often, appetite is also confused with thirst. So if your stomach tries a little riot again after you’ve just eaten lunch, your body is probably just calling for a glass of water. In addition, water (or tea) fills the stomach and has a suppressive effect on the appetite.
10. nose trick
It’s not easy to resist a freshly baked cake or a still steaming pizza when it exudes a delightful scent. Trick 17 helps here: Simply drizzle a little peppermint oil on a handkerchief and smell it. The scent will dampen your appetite. By the way, chewing gum is just as helpful, it at least suppresses the initial hunger.
Lose Weight: How To Do It Right
Sooner or later everyone faces the big challenge: losing weight. However, if you want to lose weight, you don’t have to go on a crash diet, but rather focus on a long-term change in diet. We reveal which weight loss cures make sense, whether it is even possible to lose weight quickly and what we actually mean by the ideal weight. In addition, you will get the most important answers to the following questions: Which diet really helps? Why is exercise a support in weight loss? And where are the biggest diet mistakes lurking on the nutrition plan?
Which diets make sense?
Whether low fat, weight watchers, food combining, low carb or slim in sleep: With this abundance of diets, we can lose track of things. Some weight loss cures aim at a short-term change in diet for weight loss, other models result in a long-term change in diet. The latter are basically more useful to break down healthy fat on the stomach and Co. and to prevent a one-sided eating style. Above all, it is important to pay attention to the amount of food consumed and the number of calories in the food. In order to keep an eye on the calories, a diet plan (or nutrition plan) is essential. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t rely on kilocalories (kcal) alone.
Those who want to decide on a diet should steer clear of one-sided mono diets (crash diets) and instead rely on a low-carb or low-fat-based diet. In these diet models, both carbohydrates and fats (and therefore calories) are reduced, which can be effective in the long term. Both weight-loss models achieved positive data for successful, long-term weight stabilization in various studies. Alternatively, you can shed the pounds with a diet that, like the BRIGITTE diet, is geared towards changing your diet. Classic programs to lose pounds are always based on three components: Diet, exercise and behavior change.
Lose weight quickly – does it work?
If you want to lose kilos quickly, you usually look for help in the next best mono diet, such as the protein diet, rice diet, pineapple diet or shortbread diet. It is actually known that these weight-loss programs usually end in the yo-yo effect. Nevertheless, women keep trying their luck with a one-sided diet in which they primarily lose water and muscle mass instead of fat. The fact is, however: a diet or change in diet must take at least a year for it to pass into the flesh and blood.
The key to weight loss success is having the right attitude. We should have realistic expectations of ourselves and be able to control our own behavior well. People with little self-control have a harder time: They have usually already tried many unsuccessful diet attempts – and give up too quickly. So: When it comes to weight loss, it is always important to plan enough time. The critical phase only begins after the end of the official weight loss program. Studies show that after three to five years, the majority of consumers will regain their original weight from before the diet. Anyone who survived this period without gaining too much weight can be confident.
Which sport supports weight loss?
In addition to a healthy diet, which is based on a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, you should look for suitable exercise to help you lose weight and get fit. This is the only way to burn fat and define muscles, which in turn help to increase the basal metabolic rate. Natural fat killers also help here (fat burners are, for example, konjac, coconut blossom sugar, jasmine and various superfoods) with a low calorie content and low energy density. But which training is actually best suited to lose belly fat and Co.?
Basically: everyone! Because all forms of endurance sports stimulate fat burning and metabolism, train the stamina and affect the muscles in different ways. However, especially for beginners, it is advisable to choose an easy sport in order to stay motivated. Very overweight people should slowly approach endurance sports such as Nordic walking, cycling or swimming. Or start with a simple strength training and slowly move into a joint-gentle conditioning training.
What actually is the “ideal weight.”“?
We always want to reach our ideal weight – but what exactly is that? Medically speaking, there is no consensus on what a person’s natural body weight should be. Nevertheless, there are various forms of measurement for determining the normal weight. The BMI calculator provides information about our ideal weight – the WHO uses the body mass index and defines the optimal weight with a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9. Whoever is above is overweight, whoever is below is underweight. People with scores above 30 are obese.
However, a study found that people who are slightly overweight live longer and are less likely to get sick. From a medical point of view, the “ideal” weight is in this range. In addition, medicine has long harbored criticism of the BMI model, since weight and height alone say little. After all, a person’s physique and fitness level are also important for health, and they play no role whatsoever when calculating the “ideal weight”.
What can you do against the cravings?
Those who are on a diet or put their plan to lose weight into practice by changing their diet will now and then have to contend with cravings. The good thing, however, is that there are some preventative tricks against the overwhelming appetite. To avoid cravings, we should avoid white flour products and sugar, for example – because these are usually the cause of the (eating) attacks. Foods that contain plenty of fiber (whole grain products) or proteins, on the other hand, cause the blood sugar level to rise slowly and then fall again just as slowly. They fill you up for a long time and are therefore ideal for preventing cravings. And natural, low-calorie fat killers and superfoods such as chilli, grapefruits and ginger can also function as diet aids.
If the cravings are triggered by tiredness, stress or other psychological factors, exercise, adequate sleep and regular meals help. Job and leisure should always be separated – relaxation exercises, fresh air, sport and distraction help to give yourself a break.
Where are the diet traps lurking?
Most weight loss programs fail because of diet traps lurking everywhere. Don’t let it get that far in the first place – and remove sweets and fatty foods from your menu. However, it’s not just the obvious things that contribute to obesity.
Statistically speaking, those who often eat in front of the PC or television will eat more than when they eat at the table. The reason: With less distraction, we eat more consciously and more carefully for the food on our plate. The same applies, by the way, when we eat in larger company. Here, too, we shovel more food on the plate, on the one hand because we imitate others, on the other hand because eating in society is more fun. From a psychological point of view, we should also be careful not to use plates that are too large, because: the larger the plate, the more food there is. And, very important: the diet trap also lurks in times of lack of sleep. Because that leads to food cravings the next day – and prevents our desire to lose weight from becoming a reality.