Losing weight with chocolate: does the chocolate diet really work?

Lose weight with chocolate
Does the chocolate diet really work?

© sergey causelove / Shutterstock

Do you want to turn your weakness for sweets into a strength? We’ll tell you if losing weight with chocolate works.

Losing weight with chocolate: what is behind it?

Chocolate is usually found on the list of fattening foods! It contains a lot of calories – mainly fat and sugar – and now you are supposed to lose weight with it? Too good to be true, right?

Unfortunately, we have to take away your anticipation a bit: There is no diet that will make you eat chocolate all day and lose weight carefree.

A controlled consumption of chocolate However, it can have a positive effect on your diet and weight loss.

Losing weight with chocolate: the positive effects!

  • Dark chocolate is filling due to its high cocoa content.
  • You do not eat dark chocolate in large quantities.
  • The cocoa in dark chocolate is high in antioxidants.
  • No renunciation and thus reduction of cravings.

Losing weight with chocolate: Which chocolate will help me?

You see, the devil is in the details! Losing weight with chocolate is not about the delicious whole milk chocolate with nuts or yoghurt coating, but about dark chocolate.

Studies have found that dark chocolate, i.e. bitter chocolate, high cocoa content is satiating and increases sugar metabolism. The darker the chocolate, the higher the cocoa content.

American researchers from “Hershey Center for Health & Nutrition” have also revealed that the high percentage of antioxidants prevent both obesity and diabetes. In particular, the proportion of flavanols and polyphenols make cocoa rich in antioxidants.

But beware! A hot chocolate with instant cocoa loses its high proportion of flavanols due to industrial processing.

milk chocolate also has a lot of fat and prefers to deliver instead of cocoa sugar and calories. Therefore reach for chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content back.

If possible, choose a chocolate without sugar. There are now alternatives such as xylitol or coconut blossom sugar.

Losing weight with chocolate: This is how the chocolate diet works!

Yes, they actually exist! The chocolate diet was promoted by TV stars Ruth Moschner brought into being because she herself helped her to go from size 40 to 36. The diet is based on two principles:

  • Psychological Effect: Chocolate is allowed
  • Physiological effect: Dark chocolate fills you up

The 6 steps of the chocolate diet!

  1. Before the diet you abstain 72 hours on sugar.
  2. You eat before every meal two pieces of chocolate.
  3. However 30 minutes before you eat your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not too late in the evening either, preferably around 17 o’clock.
  4. The breakfast should consist of a lot fruit and whole grains dietary fiber is important at lunchtime, as it fills you up for a long time. In the evening the focus is on protein.
  5. Carbohydrates are eaten on the diet, but it’s more of a diet low carb diet, since the intake is reduced towards the evening.
  6. Sufficient drinking water build in all day and exercise.

Lose weight with chocolate: 3 practical tips!

  • Testing: Yes, dark chocolate isn’t for everyone! But before you throw in the towel, try it first different variations bitter chocolate out. There are different directions, both in terms of cocoa content and taste. And ultimately it is one habitthat the chocolate is less sweet.
  • Questioning: If you’re the type of person who always eats sweets straight away, then the chocolate diet may not be ideal for you. You have permanent open chocolate lying around and the temptation to grab it from time to time is not exactly small.
  • Time: The chocolate diet recommends consumption 30 minutes before the meal. In principle, you should also not eat chocolate too late in the evening, as your metabolism slows down overnight. If you exercise, it is best to eat sweet things before or after. In this way you ensure that the body does not use the energy (calories) but uses it up.

Tip: Here you can find out everything about the chocolate diet. Chocolate not enough for you? There is also weight loss with wine and chocolate. Would you like to go a different way? Losing weight without sugar is definitely a good choice too!


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