Love balls: How they work and how you use them correctly

Love balls serve many purposes, including training the pelvic floor after giving birth. We explain how it works and which products are right for you.

Love balls are not just a sex toy for women – they can also be used for general pelvic floor exercises and to strengthen the bladder. Love balls can help tighten and strengthen the tissue, especially after pregnancy. To what extent they work and how you use love balls, you can find out from us.

What are love balls?

There are many names for the love balls, so they are also called vaginal balls, lust balls or love balls. However, their structure and function always remain the same. Love balls usually consist of two balls in a row with cord, but there are also those with three balls or just one. You are with one skin-friendly silicone layer encased and ideally with a water-based lubricant used. Inside are small weightsthat stimulate your pelvic floor muscles, thereby exercising them. API AWIN lubricant

Function of the love balls

Vaginal balls can almost be seen as fitness utensils for the pelvic floor muscles. You don’t have to do much for it. Whether after a pregnancy and the associated relaxation of your muscles in the vaginal area or on the subject of incontinence or simply to increase pleasure – the love balls ensure perfect training thanks to their structure:

  1. Insert the balls into your vagina with or without lubricant
  2. Now move for about 15 minutes to make the weights in the balls vibrate and thus stimulate the muscles
  3. After training, you can easily remove the Love Balls with the help of the integrated cord, similar to a tampon
  4. Don’t forget to clean up after use

How to find the right one for you

As a beginner, you should start with love balls, similar to the yoni egg, which have a wider circumference so that your pelvic floor muscles can hold the balls more easily. The more trained your pelvic floor becomes over time, the more you can vary and discover other love balls for yourself.

Single love balls

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the Joyballs single from Joy Divison is ideal for beginners. With its diameter of 3.4 centimeters and the integrated weight, it makes it easy for your vagina to hold it. theinternal weights cause vibration when carriedwhich has a massaging effect and strengthens your pelvic floor muscles. The single love ball is most similar to the yoni egg, which achieves the same effects but consists of precious stones instead of silicone. Joyballs is single hypoallergenic, can be done using the Return straps easily removed will and even is Compatible with all lubricants.

The classic

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The classic love ball is a chain with two balls. Ideally, the two integrated balls can be exchanged so that the love balls are suitable for beginners and advanced users and you can continue your training without interruption. the Vaginal balls from Ovo offer you this opportunity and deliver to you two different pairs with different weights. While it is best to start with the silver chrome ball pair, as it has a total weight of 90 grams, after regular training sessions you can switch to the purple balls, each weighing 35 grams. Here you should get one if necessary water-based lubricant use.

For increased pleasure

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A love ball filled with three elements several purposes at the same time and, in addition to the classic pelvic floor training, also takes care of the Stimulating your G-spot. This is mainly due to the anatomical shape. If you are keen to experiment and have already gained some experience with love balls, then you can Love Balls from Pretty Love also use anal. The bunny application at the end of the silicone loop can also be used to Stimulation of your clitoris contribute.

Two in one


If you would like a small selection of love balls, a set is just right for you. The two different balls keep your pelvic floor busy and guarantee you next to one strengthened muscles an exciting increase in pleasure. Even with this one Set by Nomi Tang you should use a water-based lubricant to give your love balls a long life.

Love balls with vibration

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Would you like to go one step further and combine vibrator and love ball? No problem, because there is a product that offers you that too. the “Athens” love balls by Rimba to have 10 distinctive vibration programs with a weight of 61 grams remote control your favorite programs can be set at any time and thanks to the processing you can wear the pleasure balls even in wetter areas, because they are waterproof. You can easily charge the batteries with the supplied cable, should they lose their intensity.

Love balls after the birth

Due to the delivery, the skin and muscles of your vagina are (very) been claimed? That is completely normal and part of it. What you can do about it is do a regular pelvic floor exercise so that your Muscles awakened again will, as will some nerve endings.

Because of the movements of the balls the muscles in your pelvic floor contractto be able to hold on to the love balls. Thus your vagina narrows and the orgasm intensity increases. If you want to be on the safe side, talk to your doctor about it beforehand.

Sex toys for bladder weakness?

Amazing but true: A love ball can help with incontinence. Relaxed pelvic floor muscles ensure that there is no longer an intact barrier. To restore this, submit Training with a love ball of 15 minutes a day out. You can either put them in yours Integrate everyday life and wear it for a walk or you put a small one Yoga or Pilates unit one. After a short time you should be able to notice the first changes. Discuss with your doctor what your options are for counteracting the problem in the most natural way.

Nice side effect of the love balls

Love balls don’t bear their name for nothing. Love comes in many forms, one of which is particularly important Self love. Accepting and loving your own body for what it is and what certain parts of your body look like is a big step towards self-love. Similar to the yoni eggs, very classic love balls made of silicone also ensure a deeper connection to you and your inner center. Continued that means that you yourself indulge more intensely in certain situations can. Your pelvic floor muscles will then do the rest. Your rejuvenated vagina will take care of the rest not only with you for absolute ecstasy, but also with your sweetheart, who will be happy about the new feeling of tightness.

The cleaning of your love balls

So that you can use your Love Balls regularly without hesitation, you should clean them after each use. Sufficient lukewarm water is sufficient for this – without soap! After cleaning, put your love balls aside and let them dry before storing them away or using them again. If you feel the need to disinfect them, use one Toy cleaner. API AWIN Toy Cleaner

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