Low residue diet: who is it for and how to follow it? : Current Woman Le MAG

The low-residue diet is a restrictive diet, recommended only on medical advice. It is not intended for weight loss. Morgane Pujo, dietitian nutritionist in Tarbes, explains to us in which contexts this diet is indicated.

1. What is the low residue diet?

The low-residue diet limits the ingestion of fibers. The dietitian explains that “it is a diet from which we exclude foods that generate stools.” Indeed, its goal is to reduce their size and frequency, to relieve painful digestive symptoms or prepare the body for a medical examination.

In fact, this diet can lead to constipation. Indeed, a lack of fiber causes hard stools. The diet must therefore be strictly supervised by a health professional.

2. Who is it for?

The low-residue diet is prescribed in specific situations. It is, first of all, recommended as part of certain medical interventions at the digestive level, whether it is an operation or a colonoscopy type examination. These procedures require having a clean colon.

The dietitian indicates that it can also be followed to reduce “an inflammatory outbreak in the event of intestinal pathology, such as Crohn’s disease or a diverticulitis.” It may also be prescribed in cases of irritable bowel syndrome or anal fissure.

3. What foods are prohibited?

This involves avoiding foods that produce indigestible materials. Among these, we find:

– dietary fiber (fruits, vegetables, whole grains);

– seeds ;

– red meats;

– dairy products high in fat;

– fatty products, such as fried preparations.

4. What foods are allowed in a low-residue diet?

Morgane Pujo specifies that it is possible to consume: “refined cereals like white pasta, potatoes, white rice, which will not cause a lot of stools”. As for animal proteins, “we stick to fish, poultry, rabbit, possibly eggss”. For dairy products, you should stick to hard cheeses, such as Emmental or Gruyère. It is also possible to drink tea, coffee without cream, broths and eat tofu.

It is also important to hydrate well, because a lack of fiber can cause constipation.

5. How to implement a low-residue diet?

This diet should be followed only on medical advice. As part of an operation, the healthcare professional can also provide a descriptive sheet, which indicates the list of foods to consume and avoid. She can also give menu ideas for guidance.

Morgane Pujo specifies that for breakfast, it is possible to “drink tea with compote and a rusk, garnished with a little butter and jelly”. It is also recommended to favor jelly over jam.

For mid day, “it is possible to eat a little rice cooked in broth, served with fish. The latter can be cooked in foil with vegetables, to add flavor, but they should not be eaten afterwards, because they are a source of fiber.” Dessert, for its part, can consist of a compote or a dairy product such as hard cheese.

The evening meal, for its part, can consist of a broth with small refined pasta.

6. How long can you follow this diet?

The residue-free diet is temporary. It is prescribed to calm digestive inflammations, to prepare the body for an examination or to help the body recover after an operation.

This diet generally lasts a few days: “pfor one colonoscopyit should generally be put in place 72 hours before the procedure”. In the first days of a digestive operation, patients can also follow this diet. “The fibers are then gradually brought”, specifies the dietitian.

In the context of inflammatory flare-ups, this diet should not be continued after the symptoms have subsided. Indeed, its continuation can lead to constipation or even increase diverticulosis.

7. How is it different from a low fiber diet?

The no-residue diet differs from the low-fiber diet, which is less restrictive. In this one, “we restrict the consumption of fiber, but we do not exclude it completely.”

In addition, the low-residue diet eliminates dairy products and fatty meats. The low-fiber diet, on the other hand, does not focus on these last two elements.

thanks to Morgane Pujodietitian nutritionist in Tarbes, for answering our questions.

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Read also :

⋙ 15 recipes for following a residue-free diet

⋙ Diet without residue: which diet to adopt 3 days before a colonoscopy

⋙ Colon polyps: causes, symptoms, risks, removal

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