LR wants to relax housing regulations

The Republicans want to relax European and French constraints on housing issues, announced the head of the party’s list in the European elections François-Xavier Bellamy on Friday during a trip to Florange (Moselle).

The list led by Mr. Bellamy proposes in particular to put in place a five-year regulatory break in the field of housing and construction at European and national level.

MEPs approved on Tuesday Strasbourg a text imposing the greening of the European real estate stock, deemed disproportionate by LR which denounces in particular an insufficient impact study, in a document sent to journalists.

François-Xavier Bellamy suggests clearly returning to this text. We will also have to come back to this French law which requires buildings that are classified F and G to be removed from the rental stock (in the energy performance diagnosis, editor’s note). We can clearly see to what extent the most modest have actually been penalized.

We are not abandoning the ambition of environmental transition, on the contrary, but we want an ecology that moves away from this logic of asphyxiation and that chooses to support people, he continued.

He proposes implementing a carbon tax credit for the transition to thermal renovation, in particular by electrifying housing heating, and then that the State gives itself the means to produce carbon-free electricity.

On social housing, a welfare trap, the Republicans propose to get out of the life lease, so that it is only a transition. With the life lease, in a certain way we are stuck (…) Anyone who pays their rent every month in social housing will never invest, continued Mr. Bellamy.

Enjoy the sharp drop in rates to realize your project!

The low turnover also blocks millions of families who are eligible for social housing in France but who will never see it.

LR also proposes to simplify rental leases and protect owners against bad payers and dishonest tenants, added Cline Imart, number 2 on the list, who also argued for moving from a punitive ecology to an incentive ecology.

Ten proposals were presented in Florange, including also the adaptation of the objective of Zero net artificialization (ZAN) to the objective of construction of new housing which must be a national priority or facilitate transmission between generations.

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