Lunar horoscope: zodiac signs in which the new moon energy creates potential for conflict

lunar horoscope
Zodiac signs where the new moon energy creates potential for conflict

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The new moon is an astrological spectacle that represents a new beginning for many people. However, not all zodiac signs benefit equally from this event. For some, the new moon can create conflict where the zodiac signs themselves get in their way.

The new moon is one of the most important phases in the lunar cycle and this month it causes increased potential for conflict, especially with three zodiac signs. What they are and how the tensions can be resolved – we’ll tell you.


Aries often stands for courage and a thirst for adventure, but it can also be impetuous and impulsive, which can lead to increased potential for conflict in the upcoming new moon phase from February 20th. The moon phase makes the zodiac sign particularly susceptible to hasty and emotional actions. An initial euphoria about a new thing can quickly lead to uncontrolled outbursts if something doesn’t go according to one’s own ideas. Therefore, during the new moon, Aries should occasionally reflect on the motives for which he/she is making decisions.


Cancers are very emotional and sensitive zodiac signs that react strongly to changes. Usually the first impulse is insecurity and fear, since it is unclear how the still unknown situation will possibly affect their life. In such cases, there are often only two extremes. Either the zodiac signs meet their counterpart with emotional hypersensitivity or they close themselves off and the guesswork begins. Especially in the approaching new moon phase, Cancers tend not to give changes a chance, but to put them in a drawer in advance. Here it helps in perspective to always look at situations from several perspectives, even if it may initially cost the cancer to overcome. Ultimately, however, the change of perspective always helps him – especially in conflict situations.


Capricorns sometimes have difficulty expressing their feelings – whether they are positive or negative emotions. As a result, the signs of the zodiac often tend to just gulp them down, so they always swim just below the surface but never erupt. The new moon in particular ensures that the pent-up inner pressure is more likely to be converted into aggression and anger. The other person then has to pay for it, as some of them don’t know how to deal with it. The result: increased potential for conflict. Therefore, Capricorn should – especially during the new moon phase – remind themselves how important it is to exchange ideas about their own emotional world.

Sources used: BRIGITTE,


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