M2 and Taito Announce Ray’z Arcade Chronology Shmup Compilation

A compilation that will bring together in a single game three titles and two remaster : the triplet Rayforce, Raystorm and Raycrisis on one side, respectively released in 1993, 1996 and 1998; and the revised and corrected versions for the occasion of the last two mentioned, I named RayStorm NEO-HD and RayCrisis HD. The series was born on arcade in 1993 with the first Rayforce – renamed Gunlock in the west – which will later be ported to Saturn as Layer Section – and will again inherit a different title for the other markets, namely Galactic Attack.

Its sequel, Raystorm, will take the same path, from the arcade in 1996 to the Saturn in 1997 but will first land on PlayStation, released in the meantime and whose success will be disproportionate to that of the SEGA console. The trilogy will conclude in 1998, still on arcade, with RayCrisiswhich will only have the right to a console port two years later and only on the Sony machine this time.

This compilation is currently only expected in Japan and not before next year. We would have liked to be able to offer you a first preview on video but Taito and M2 keep a few cartridges in reserve. As with most M2 compilations, Ray’z Arcade Timeline will only be released on Switch and PS4.

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