Make room fragrances yourself – it’s that easy

Make room fragrances yourself
4 simple instructions

© New Africa / Shutterstock

A pleasant room fragrance creates a feel-good atmosphere at home. With natural ingredients, we can make room fragrances ourselves and save money in the process.

Make room fragrances yourself – simple instructions

1. Instructions for DIY diffusers

What we need for the diffuser:

  • Glass bottle with a narrow neck
  • 5-10 wooden sticks that are longer than the glass
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil of your choice
  • 200 milliliters of odorless vegetable oil as a base

That’s how it’s done:

  1. We pour the vegetable oil into the glass container. Sunflower oil or almond oil are often used here.
  2. Then the essential oil is added. We should only start with a few drops here, as the essential oils are very strong.
  3. We dip the chopsticks briefly in our room fragrance and turn them over. The scented oil pulls through the stick and the scent spreads throughout the room.

2. Make room fragrances with alcohol

Instead of vegetable oils, we can also use high-percentage alcohol from the pharmacy.

What we need for this:

  • Glass with a narrow bottle neck
  • 80 milliliters of alcohol (vodka is suitable for this)
  • 10 milliliters of glycerine
  • 8-10 drops of essential oil
  • 6-8 wooden sticks

This is how the DIY room freshener works:

  1. We mix the alcohol with glycerine and add a few drops of the essential oils.
  2. So that the glycerine binds the solution properly, we have to shake the whole thing well.
  3. Then we put the chopsticks in the glass here, turn them over and enjoy the wonderful scent.

3. Instructions for DIY scented sachets

What we need for the scented sachet:

  • Sacks made of cotton or linen fabric
  • Dried flowers or herbs of your choice (how about chamomile flowers, jasmine flowers, rose flowers, lavender flowers or lemon balm? ?)
  • cord

This is how we make the scented sachet ourselves:

  1. We fill the bag two-thirds with the dried flowers or herbs.
  2. We close the whole thing with the cord.
  3. We can shake the scented bag from time to time or press it lightly and the smell intensifies.

For everyone who loves sewing: On Pinterest we have found simple instructions on how to sew our scented sachets ourselves:

Tip: Here are detailed instructions on how we can sew a charming scented sachet.

4. Instructions for DIY room spray

We can also easily make an air freshener from the spray bottle ourselves. The natural room spray mainly helps against unpleasant smells in our four walls.

What we need for this:

  • 300 milliliters of distilled water
  • 100 milliliters of alcohol
  • 20 grams of baking soda
  • a few drops of essential oil
  • spray bottle

We can easily add the ingredients to the spray bottle and shake the whole thing well before each use. The Soda neutralizes odors, the alcohol makes the spray durable and the essential oil ensures a pleasant scent.

Make room fragrances yourself: which fragrance for what?

The advantage of DIY fragrance mixtures: We can put together the fragrances individually. Not only do the oils smell good, but they are whole too certain effect to us. A brief overview of our favorite fragrances:

  • Calming and relaxing effect: Chamomile, lavender, rose and rosewood have a balancing and harmonizing effect. Jasmine is also said to relieve stress and is therefore also a good sleep aid.
  • Refreshing and invigorating effect: Citrus fruits like limes, mandarins and oranges have an invigorating effect and cheer us up.
  • Effect on concentration: Both peppermint and eucalyptus have a memory strengthening effect, rosemary strengthens willpower. But the scent mixture of mint and lemon is also said to promote mental performance.
  • Deterrent effect on insects: Insects don’t like the smell of lemon in combination with bay leaves or cloves. Oh how practical that we, on the other hand, really like these smells! ?
