Makes Windows 11 superfluous: The most beautiful system does not come from Microsoft

Gradually, more and more users are switching from Windows 10 to Windows 11. A lot has happened in terms of optics – but it can be even nicer, as an exotic Linux proves. We will introduce you to Deepin in detail.

With Windows 11, Microsoft has tweaked a few things in terms of design. This is by no means to everyone’s taste, and there are also the high system requirements for installing and using the system.

If you want to switch to a fancy alternative system without having to buy a Mac, then you should definitely take a closer look at Linux Deepin. The distribution is based on Debian and is being developed in China, but thanks to the English or even German interface it can also be used in this country without any problems. What convinces at first glance is the chic interface and the adapted tools.

A while ago, Deepin 20 brought a refreshed new user interface and some cool new apps. The update on Version 20.3 now updates the kernel to 5.15, offering better compatibility, security, and optimized performance. In addition, the photo album has been improved for easier image management. The OCR function of the screen capture module can now also cover scrollable areas. All changes can be found in the manufacturer’s release notes.

Deepin 20: Attractive new UI

Deepin Linux comes with an elegant, simple design.
Deepin Linux comes with an elegant, simple design.

Image: Deepin

It is not for nothing that Deepin is called the “most beautiful Linux in the world” by many – the user interface is minimalistic and elegant. With a launcher that bundles all apps and a taskbar that combines the best aspects of Windows and macOS, everyone should find their way around quickly.

The taskbar no longer docks at the edge of the window, but appears to be floating. This cool effect was copied from macOS 11, as were the rounded corners, which Microsoft is also working on in many places in Windows. There is a lot of transparency and renewed animations at Deepin. A so-called multitasking view is also integrated, which shows all open windows and virtual desktops with one click. Dark and light modes are standard anyway, and users can readjust the color temperature.

New apps for all users

Deepin 20 comes with several new applications.
Deepin 20 comes with several new applications.

Image: Linux Deepin

Linux Deepin comes with a wide range of apps. The development team has a whole list of their own applications, all of which fit perfectly into the new UI. New features include a note app, a calendar app that can be accessed directly from the taskbar, a font manager and a drawing app that allows quick doodles to be made directly on the PC. The terminal, which Linux users will sooner or later not be able to avoid, shines in the new design.

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Deepin Linux: Install and get started

The distro is particularly suitable for beginners.
The distro is particularly suitable for beginners.

Image: CHIP

Linux is not exactly known for its simplicity – the lightweight Deepin changes that. The installation can be carried out in a few steps and then the system is ready to use. Thanks to the large selection of included programs, you can also use it out-of-the-box. In addition to the in-house applications, Deepin Browser and Mailer, which have replaced Chromium and Thunderbird, are also on board.

In large parts, users should feel reminded of macOS. A big plus is the in-house app store, where numerous compatible programs can be downloaded. This saves the route via the terminal or the network. Whether Spotify, LibreOffice, Steam or Firefox, most of the common tools can be found there.

Chic Linux alternative

It is not to be expected that hordes of Windows users will suddenly switch to Linux. But it’s worth looking outside the box, because systems like Deepin Linux show that it’s possible to build really chic operating systems. This puts it in line with distributions that come practically ready to use on the computer. Anyone looking for a chic Linux with a stable substructure should take a second look at Deepin.

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