Man or woman? This picture reveals a lot about your personality

Man or woman?
What you see in this picture reveals something about your personality

A special drawing that can tell you a lot about your personality: This picture has it all!


Man or woman? This picture is a nifty psychological test that reveals deeply. Find out here what this drawing can reveal about you!

Most will see it at first glance: This picture shows a person. But what kind of one? Do you see a man or a woman here?

Your spontaneous answer allows exciting conclusions. Because: Whether you recognize a man or a woman in our puzzle is not left to chance.

And so a simple, black and white painted sketch, which can only be formed by precisely placed lines and an area painted in black, becomes a little psychological test! There is no right or wrong answer – both the man and the woman can be found in the picture. But who do you see first

One look decodes your brain

In fact, your spontaneous answer to the question “man or woman” can give you an exciting insight into how your brain works. It tells you what makes you tick and how your head works.

Similar images have been used in psychology for a long time when it comes to deciphering what kind of personality one is dealing with. The best known are, of course, the famous “Rohraschach” tests: abstract inkblots that, taken by themselves, do not represent anything at all. But each person fills it with their very own meaning – and so the object that everyone sees in the inkblot reveals a surprising amount about the respective personality.

In this case, of course, it is even more direct than with the random inkblots: With this drawing, each of us can immediately tell from our gut what exactly is to be seen here. And that’s exactly what makes the knowledge so clear – because nothing has to be interpreted in a laborious way.

Are you curious now? In the video above you can find out the details and take the test: What do you see, man or woman? And: What exactly does your selection say about what kind of personality you have?
