Manor Lords, the new benchmark for Early Access?

Many developers launch their games in Early Access before releasing the final version. The studios take into account player feedback while taking the temperature before moving to version 1.0, but each game has its story. Whether it be Baldur’s Gate 3 ignored by everyone before its final release, or No Rest for the Wicked which annoys players because of its technical problems, forcing Moon Studios to justify himself.

Since last weekend, it’s Manor Lords which PC gamers are passionate about. THE city ​​builder medieval has already sold more than a million copies even though it is only in Early Accessbut Slavic Magic obviously refined his copy well before publishing iteven in early access. On X (ex-Twitter), the developers responded to a user’s post with a profile photo NFT who made fun of “Crash-o Lord”, but Slavic Magic claims that “99% of crashes so far are because of old drivers”. Despite the studio’s recommendations, some players do not yet have the right ones drivers and therefore suffer from crashes, you obviously have to remember to update them regularly, especially when you want to play a title that has just been released. Slavic Magic admit that other crashes are linked to FSR with old graphics cardstechnology FidelityFX Super Resolution of AMD improves performance (frame rate), provided you have a GPU recent. The studio recommends deactivating the FSR in the options or via the file .ini while waiting for a fix.

Regardless, these concerns are minor and Manor Lords seems to be a perfect example of a game released in good condition in Early Access, enough to delight players and reassure those who feared having to struggle with a broken version. The title already has “very positive” reviews on Steamyou can buy Manor Lords against €29.99 (- 25%) on Gamesplanet Or

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Editor – Tester

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