Manuel Valls: “The left is in a historic political impasse”

A few months before the presidential election of 2022, Manuel Valls paints a particularly dark portrait of his political family. Invited in #LeGrandRDV, he considers that “the left is in a historic political impasse”.

And the potential candidacy of Christiane Taubira, announced Friday, December 17, does not represent a valid solution according to him. This “only adds, from my point of view, to this confusion”, argues the former Prime Minister.

A “fictitious and impossible” union

Manuel Valls believes that this “crisis of the left” is due to the fact that there are “irreconcilable lefts”. There is “a distance not only between men and women but above all between projects, thoughts and outlook on the world and French society”. “Proposals so far apart” from each other that the “union is fictitious and impossible”, he says.

For the former minister this phenomenon is “global” and took root decades ago. He identifies three major subjects to which, according to him, the left has not been able to find answers: “the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall”, “the economic globalization which has called into question the welfare state, the social state. on which European social democracy was based ”and finally the“ emergence of the identity age ”.

By not seeking to “regenerate intellectually”, the left has “locked itself in the past, in a deadly pessimism”, considers Manuel Valls. Not very optimistic himself, the former Prime Minister believes that the attempts to extricate his political family from this impasse are “doomed to a form of failure and sometimes sound like ridiculous”.

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