MaPrimeRnov’ boosts housing renovation

The National Housing Agency (Anah), a public body which helps with work in private housing, financed some 750,000 renovations in 2021, triple that of 2020, according to its annual report unveiled on Wednesday.

The objective set at the beginning of the year, of 600,000 renovations, has been largely exceeded. This sharp increase is driven by the take-off of the MaPrimeRnov’ system – renamed France Rnov’ at the start of the year – to aid the energy renovation of buildings, launched in 2020. This is the first time that we have seen an increase in this magnitude, welcomed the director general of Anah, Valrie Mancret-Taylor, to AFP. Renovations under MaPrimeRnov’ fell from 141,000 to 644,000.

The expenses incurred by Anah have logically jumped, from 1.42 billion euros in 2020 to 3.11 billion, including 1.44 billion under the recovery plan. Anah also finances work to adapt housing to aging (accessibility, adaptation of bathrooms, etc.), to fight against indigenous housing and to intervene in condominiums.

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Objective of 800,000 renovations

Under Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, a great deal of effort was put into renovating the private housing stock, giving Anah an important role. The environmental issue, it is on the park already built, and not so much on the new park which is built each year, which represents 1% of the stock, justifies the president of Anah, Thierry Repentin. The objective for 2022 is to exceed 800,000 renovations in total.

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